The Water Turned into Wine

John 2:1-6, NIV

1 On the third day a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee. Jesus' mother was there,
2 and Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding.
3 When the wine was gone, Jesus' mother said to him, "They have no more wine."
4 "Dear woman, why do you involve me?" Jesus replied, "My time has not yet come."
5 His mother said to the servants, "Do whatever he tells you."
6 Nearby stood six stone water jars, the kind used by the Jews for ceremonial washing, each
holding from twenty to thirty gallons.

At times we are faced with unexpected problems and difficulties. From today’s Scripture reading about the wedding ceremony held in Cana, we will learn how to solve those problems when we face them.

1. People in a desperate situation (v.3).

“They have no more wine.” That means that they saw the limits of human ability. They had unexpected problems which they could not handle. All human beings, when separated from God, encounter desperate situations which they cannot deal with (Ge 3:17; Ecc 1:14). When people commit sin, their minds become full of fear, anxiety, and worry (Jas 4:14; 1Pe 1:24). Who can save people from their sea of despair?

2. Jesus Christ, the problem solver (vv.4,5).

When a desperate man meets Jesus, all his problems are settled, and despair turns into hope (Jn 2:2; Ro 8:1-2). When the wine ran out and people became desperate, Mary, the mother of Jesus, immediately asked Jesus to help them. When we encounter unexpected problems in our lives, we need to pray fervently to God
(Jn 14:13; Jer 33:3; Ps 34:6). Jesus’ mother ordered the servants to do whatever Jesus told them. When they did as Jesus told them to do, the water turned into wine (Jn 2:5-8). Through obedience, faith begins to form, and miracles start happening. God performs miracles through people who obey His Word (1Sa 15:22).

3. A life changed in Jesus (vv.9,10).

The wedding in Cana was changed into a festival of joy and blessing because of Jesus. When we are closely connected to Jesus, our lives get better and better
(2Co 5:17; 2Ch 7:14). Jesus’ first miracle, which turned the water into wine, proclaimed that a new era had begun (Jn 2:11). The precious blood Jesus shed on the Cross became an eternal spring of living water. This living water of precious blood saves us from eternal sin and death. The eternal living water that Jesus gave to us never dries up (Jn 4:13-14; 6:35).

I pray that we may accept Jesus Christ, who can fully resolve our problems of hunger and thirst, as the Lord of our hearts, the head of our families, the master of our church, and the ruler of our nation, so that we can enjoy true joy and true satisfaction that the world cannot give.