Walking with God

Genesis 5:24, NIV

24 Enoch walked with God; then he was no more, because God took him away.

The essence of a life of faith is to live a life of walking with God. Before we came to faith in Jesus, we were living any way we wanted. Once we believe in Jesus, however, we need to take God as the master of our lives, and walk with Him.

1. A life that has fellowship with God.

Walking with God means having spiritual fellowship with God (Ge 5:24). Enoch had constant fellowship with God for three hundred years and lived a life of faith (Ge 5:21-22). Even during the time when the sin of profanity was widespread, he remained unstained by the world and lived a God-centered life. What marks the life of walking with God is the joy that fills our lives (Ps 16:11), the courage that enables us to fight sin in a sinful world (Ps 118:6, 114), and the prayer that continues on all occasions (Eph 6:18). I pray that you will arm yourself with the Word of God and prayer, and live a life of walking with God.

2. A life that lives by faith.

Constant walking with God is only possible when we live by faith (Heb 11:5). We need to live with unwavering faith in God, faith in and obedience to the Word of God, and faith to walk with the Spirit. People of faith hold onto the Word of God’s promise, and march forward without retreat (Mt 4:4). Because people of faith fix their eyes on the Lord alone, they march forward saying, “Lord, I believe,” even though they see nothing, hear nothing, nor have a grip on anything (Heb 10:38). I urge you to rely on God alone. With firm faith in God, we can gain victory wherever we go.

3. A life that pleases God.

The purpose of life is to give glory to God (Isa 43:7). God walks with His faithful servant and dwells in the life of His servant (Lev 26:11-12). A person of faith must please God all the time (Heb 11:5). To please God, we must avoid anything that breaks our fellowship with God, and defeat sin. God found Noah righteous, because he did not follow his generation but walked with God (Ge 7:1). Invite God into the center of your life (Dt 13:4). God is pleased with those who always listen to His Word, and live with complete concentration on His will to live according to His will (Mt 6:33).

Many times in this world, we are challenged with things that we cannot control. However, we must take the path of constant faith. I pray that we will please God by walking with Him like Enoch, and enjoy the grace of salvation, the grace of blessings, and the glory of heaven.