
A Changed Identity

1 Peter 2:9-10, NIV

9 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
10 Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.

In ?쏷he Ugly Duckling,??a fairy tale written by Hans Christian Andersen, a little swan thought of itself as an ugly duckling, even though its beauty was not comparable to ducklings, because it was raised among ducklings. But later, the swan saw its own reflection in the water and realized that it was a swan. It is the same case with us. The moment we believe in Jesus Christ, we ought to realize that we are blessed children of God (2Co 5:17).

1. A chosen people.
We are a chosen people by God. This was only made possible by God?셲 choice and grace, that we were able to come to faith in Jesus and be saved (Dt 7:6; Isa 43:1; Eph 1:4-5). We are chosen for His glory and His purpose. All of us have received a calling from God. Just like the apostle Paul who was called as a servant of God to save Gentiles and dedicated his whole life to serve God, we ought to realize our calling and devote our lives as children of God for the glory of the Lord (Jn 15:16).

2. A royal priesthood.
We are called a royal priesthood. In Israel, three types of people were anointed and devoted themselves to God: a king, a high priest, and a prophet. Since God gave us the authority of a king to overcome evil spirits and gain victory, we ought to rule the world with this royal authority (Lk 10:18-20; Ro 5:17). Do not be captured by sin and live a life in despair. We ought to live as a royal priest who has royal authority (1Pe 2:5; Heb 10:19). We always need to come before the throne of the Lord and have our sins forgiven.혻혻혻혻

3. A holy nation.
We are a holy nation. The holy nation is the kingdom of God that is governed by God. When the kingdom of God comes, all the dominion of darkness disappears (Mt 12:28; Col 1:13). When we come to faith in Jesus, the kingdom of God comes to us by the Holy Spirit dwelling within us (Lk 17:21). God has become our ruler who controls our entire lives (Ps 100:3; Ps 94:14). The Lord comes to stay with those who believe in Him (Mt 18:20). This church itself is the kingdom of God.

4. A people belonging to God.
Thanks to the grace of Jesus who saved us, God has become our master, and we are a people belonging to God (Ex 19:5; Mal 3:17). In order to take possession of us, God forgave all our sins through the precious blood of Jesus Christ (1Pe 1:18-19). Therefore, we ought to be thankful for His grace and live for His glory (1Co 6:20; Eph 1:13-14).

I bless you all in the name of Jesus Christ that you proclaim the beautiful virtues of Jesus and become a person whose life is filled with God?셲 mercy.