
God Walks with Us
Genesis 28:10-15, NIV

We are all aliens in this world. Our hometown is heaven. Until we go to heaven, the Lord does not leave us alone in the world but walks with us. We are not walking alone during this challenging journey of life. In Genesis chapter 28, we meet God who walks with Jacob wandering in the wilderness.

1. Jacob goes on a journey as an alien (v.10).

Since Jacob was hated by his older brother Esau, Jacob had to go to Haran where his uncle lived. He walked 800 kilometers over a long, desert road. Life is like this in the desert. Wherever we go, it is far and a long way and we cannot rest. Until we Christians go to heaven?봮ur permanent home, we have to live life as an alien (Jn 14:2-3; 1Ch 19:15). The ancestors of faith lived with their eyes fixed only on their heavenly home (Heb 11:13-16a). Since they lived in anticipation of heaven, they were able to overcome all difficulties by faith. Every day we have to long for heaven?봮ur permanent home, walk with the Lord, and continue on a pilgrimage of faith, serving and loving Him.

2. God visits us during the night of life (vv.11-12).

At night, when Jacob laid down his weary body, God came to him in a vision. On a night of despair, the Lord came to him (Jn 1:51). During a dark night of life, when we are thoroughly broken before God, He opens a door for us. Paul intended to go to Asia with the dream of evangelizing it. But the Holy Spirit stopped him, and all the doors were closed. On that night of despair, God came to him and showed him a vision of Macedonia (Ac16:8-9). The deeper the night is, the closer the dawn is. A dark night of suffering is the time to prepare for a dawn of hope. Day or night, God always walks with believers every moment during a time of trouble (Ps 40:2; 139:8-10; 121:4, 8).

3. God gives us His words (vv.13-15).

God gives words of hope and blessing to those who are in despair. Although Jacob was on his journey in the wilderness without any possessions, God promised that Jacob would be prosperous in the future (Ge 28:13-14). Therefore, even though we cannot see anything, touch anything, or hear anything, we must hold onto God?셲 words of promise and advance only by faith. Furthermore, God promised that He would guard Jacob wherever he went and would never leave him alone until His promise was accomplished (Ge 29:15). We, who live as an alien on this earth, must completely rely on God for support. God walks with us and enables us to overcome all difficulties and ultimately gives us great blessings.

In our difficult journey of life, God is the only one on whom we can rely. Let us look to God who walked with Jacob, who was an alien in the desert. God gave him hope during the night of his life. Faith is our greatest asset in life, knowing that God walks with us. I pray that you will live a victorious life with the Lord during this journey of life.