Jesus Christ, the Healer

Exodus 15:22-26, NIV

One of the greatest agonies in human history is disease, which in most cases gives way to death. Disease and death resulted from the sin that Adam and Eve committed (Ge 3:19). However, Jesus died for our sins, disease, and death, so we could experience the grace of forgiveness and healing in the Lord (Isa 53:5).

1. The desert without water (v. 22).
The Israelites crossed the Red Sea and went into the desert, where they suffered from a lack of water after three days of traveling. Our life in this world is like that in the desert in that we always lack what we really need. The most essential aspect is that our problems can never be solved with anything in the world. Nothing can quench the thirst of our souls. Pleasure from the world is merely transient. That is why Jesus said to the woman in Sychar, who came to draw water at midday, that He would give water that would keep anyone from being thirsty again (Jn 4:13-14). This world is not our final destination and thus unable to provide true satisfaction for us. During our life on earth, we should firmly fix our eyes on our heavenly home, and march forward with faith.

2. The bitter water of Marah (v.23,24).
The Israelites found water in Marah, but it was bitter. The water had poison in it. They were thirsty, desperately in need of water, but if they drank the water, it would do them harm. This scene unfolds the very existence of human beings in despair. The culture of the world has been infected by poison, which makes TV dramas, music, and the Internet provocative and violent and causes people to fall into depravity and debauchery. The poison of the world infiltrates the hearts of people, causing them to be stranded in despair.

3. The power of the Cross (v.25).
Moses cried out to God because of the bitter water. Our prayers are what turn bitter water into sweet water. God told Moses to throw a piece of wood into the water. The piece of wood is symbolic of the Cross of Jesus Christ, which solves our most desperate problem. The power of the Cross heals every poisonous infection. Just as a piece of wood turned the bitter water into sweet water, Jesus’ Cross turns our despair into hope. Our pain will be turned into joy, and our problems will be solved if we hold on to the Cross.

4. The God of healing (v.26).
After God made the bitter water sweet, He gave His word to the Israelites that He would bless them with health. However, this promise was made under the condition that they would obey God’s words. When we obey God, He will keep us safe from all kinds of diseases (Dt 28:1-6). When we have a right relationship with God, He will take control of our life (Jos 1:7-8).

The precious blood of Jesus Christ on the Cross heals all our wounds. I pray that all of you will have faith in the power of the Cross, obey His Word, and walk with God throughout your life.