
The Hymns Sung in Prison at Midnight

Acts 16:25-26, NIV
25 About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them.
26 Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everybody's chains came loose.

Apostle Paul once persecuted Jesus, but ever since he was changed by his meeting with Jesus, he fully devoted himself to Jesus throughout his life. He was armed with absolute positive faith. Paul and Silas, who preached the Gospel in Philippi, were wrongfully accused by a master of driving a demon out of his slave girl who predicted the future by a spirit. They were falsely flogged and put in prison. Nevertheless, they were not angry and did not complain, but rather they prayed to God and praised Him, singing hymns to God. What kinds of hymns would they have sung?

1. Hymns of hope.

The dark night in prison signifies desperation. When Paul and Silas faced distress and despair on such a night, they praised God (Ac 16:25). They sang hymns of hope in the Lord. Their hymns were so impressive that the notorious prisoners listened to their singing. Believers must look to the Lord like Paul and Silas, even if they are surrounded by despair. I pray that you will always sing hymns of hope with absolute positive faith.

2. Hymns of victory.

Paul and Silas sang hymns of victory. When they prayed and praised, suddenly there was a violent earthquake (Ac 16:26). The foundations of the prison were shaken, and at once all the prison doors flew open, and everybody's chains came loose. All the chains that bound Paul and Silas were loosened. Likewise, although we are surrounded by any problem in a prison of despair, miracles will happen when we move forward with faith, absolute positivity, and thanksgiving. The foundation of despair will be shaken, the doors of problems that block us will open, and the evil bondage that binds us will be unshackled. There are great victories and blessings in the Lord! Jesus who has overcome the world is with us (Jn 16:33). Therefore, I pray that you will never be afraid or lose heart when you encounter problems, but advance with faith.

3. Hymns of salvation.

Paul and Silas were singing hymns of salvation. The jailer woke up, and when he saw the prison doors open, he tried to commit suicide (Ac 16:27). Then Paul shouted, "Don't harm yourself! We are all here!" (Ac 16:28). At that moment, the jailor found that Paul was not an ordinary man but a man of God. He fell trembling before Paul and Silas and asked, "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?" (Ac 16:29-30). Then Paul proclaimed the amazing word of blessing, "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved?봸ou and your household" (Ac 16:31). On hearing this, he and his whole family accepted Jesus (Ac 16:33-34). As a result, a church was established in the region of Philippi, a barren land of faith.

Despair may come to us, but God works for the good of those who love Him. Come before the Lord with prayer, thanksgiving, and praise in times of despair. The night of despair will pass away, and the daybreak of hope will come.