Jesus Who Has Come to Us

Isaiah 53:1-6, NIV

Christmas, the day of Jesus’ first entrance to earth, is coming soon. Now it is Advent, a time of waiting and wishing the Lord to come to earth again. In America, people begin to sing Christmas carols soon after Thanksgiving Day. In Japan, though Christmas is not a national holiday, every street is decorated with a Christmas theme. The day of Jesus’ first coming is a celebration across the world. Yet I cannot help but wonder what things were like when Jesus first came to earth?

1. Jesus who came in the weak flesh (v.2)
Jesus came to this world as He had been prophesied by many prophets in the Old Testament to come. However, He was not born as a prince in a splendid palace, but He was born in a shabby stable, to an ordinary family as a descendent of David. The Lord came to this world in the flesh like one of us in appearance whom people would not necessarily like. That is why the Lord knows all our sorrows, sufferings, loneliness, and despair (Heb 4:15; Mk 3:21; Mt 8:20). Jesus, who knows our sorrows, encourages us who are weak human beings to look upon Him. He gives us comfort and strength to live a victorious life in this world.

2. Jesus who was afflicted on our behalf (v.3)
Jesus’ life was a continuation of sufferings. When He was born, he had to hide himself in Egypt for two years because King Herod was going to kill Him. Ever since He began his public ministry, He was opposed and persecuted by religious leaders of His time. In the end, the Lord was crucified on the Cross by these religious leaders. However, the Lord went through all sufferings on our behalf. Look to Jesus when you are going through the dark night of absolute despair (Heb 5:7). The Lord hears your prayer, has compassion on you, and meets your need when you turn to Him for help (Heb 4:16).

3. Jesus who brings forgiveness, peace, and healing (v.5)
Since Jesus suffered on the cross, tremendous blessings have come upon us. Through Jesus who carried all the sins of humankind and who shed His blood on the Cross, we have received the blessing of forgiveness (Isa 53:6). Through Jesus who was punished, we have peace, and through Jesus who was beaten, we are all healed of our wounds (Isa 53:3). No one but Jesus sets us free from our sins, disease, and anxiety. Jesus alone is our hope. There is forgiveness, joy, peace, and healing in Jesus.

On Christmas Day, Jesus came to us in the weak flesh. Jesus suffered in our place and shed His blood on the Cross for our sake. We have received forgiveness, peace, and healing through the grace of redemption by the cross of Jesus. We should wait for Christmas in remembrance of this amazing grace that He has shown us.