My Soul Glorifies the Lord

Luke 1:46-55, NIV

God’s grace comes upon those who long and wait for His grace. The message in Luke 1:46-55 is Mary’s praise to God when she became pregnant with Jesus. How does God appear in Mary’s praise?

1. The Lord who is mindful of the humble state
Mary confessed that God showed His grace to a humble person like her (Lk 1:47-48). God knows our circumstances and situations and cares for us just like a father shows mercy to his own child (Ps 103:13-14). Even though people look down on us with disdain, Jesus holds us in his loving arms and delivers us from despair. God is the Lord of love who is abundant in grace and mercy and patient with us.

2. The Lord who does great things
God is the Almighty Lord who does great things (Lk 1:49). The Apostles’ Creed begins with the confession of faith in the Almighty God. God saved the Israelites who were blocked by the Red Sea after they left Egypt (Ex 14:13-14). He also listened to King Hezekiah’s cry in prayer when Jerusalem was surrounded by the army of Sennacherib, King of Assyria, and sent His angels to fight for the Israelites (Isa 37:36). Leave everything to the Almighty. He will take care of all things on your behalf.

3. The Lord who scatters the proud
God scatters pride, one of the most wicked sins of human beings (Lk 1:51). God brings down the proud but lifts up the humble (Lk 1:52). Our faith in Jesus sets us free from all sins. When we come before Jesus with repentant hearts and ask Him to cleanse our sins with His precious blood, the Lord pours His amazing grace, blessings, forgiveness and comfort on us. It is when we come before the Lord that we can start to live a holy life according to the image of God. I pray that throughout your lives you become gentle and humble before the Lord.

4. The Lord who fulfills His words
God keeps the promise He made to His people (Lk 1:55). God called Abraham out of Ur of the Chaldeans and gave him His promise (Ge 12:1-3). As was promised, Abraham became the forefather of faith, the source of blessings. We must live a life of obedience to His Word. When we make every effort to obey the Word and march forward in faith, great things happen to us. (Jos 1:7). I pray that we will all depend on the word of power and promise and march forward in faith.

The God of our praises is the God of love who is merciful to us and the God of Almighty power who does great things. I pray that we will turn to Jesus Christ who saved us, come to the Lord with humble hearts, and live a life of absolute obedience to His Word.