People Who Wait for Jesus

Luke 2:25-27, NIV

People live a life of expecting and waiting for something. In the Bible, many people waited for the Messiah. In Luke chapter 2, there are especially two people, Anna and Simeon, who waited for the Messiah for a long time.

1. A righteous and devout person
Simon who waited for Jesus was righteous and devout in God’s sight (Lk 2:25). God is still looking for a righteous and devout person. When sin abounded, and all people were going astray, Noah was found righteous before God (Ge 7:1). Job, who did not give up his faith in God even in despair, was also a righteous person who was blameless and upright, a man who feared God and shunned evil (Job 1:1). Cornelius, a Roman centurion, who first received the Holy Spirit as a Gentile, was righteous and devout as well (Ac 10:1-2). Let us be the great people who change the world through living a righteous and devout life.

2. A person with whom the Holy Spirit is
Simon was a man of the Holy Spirit (Lk 2:25-26). God works through a person of the Holy Spirit. That’s why when Jesus entrusted His disciples with a mission; He told them to wait for the Spirit that He had promised (Ac 1:5). When we receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit, we can work as a powerful person of God. Since David who committed sin before God knew that without the Holy Spirit he could do nothing, he prayed with repenting and pleaded with God. “Do not take your Holy Spirit form me.” (Ps 51:11) Let us all live as a person of the Holy Spirit.

3. A person who fasts and prays
The prophetess Anna who became a widow waited for the Messiah, fasting and praying in the temple day and night (Lk 2:37). When we pray, the grace of God comes upon us. Jesus, while He was on this earth, also lived a life of prayer. Without praying, it is impossible to live a powerful life and to have church revival. The first church was a church of prayer (Ac 2:42). Please do your best to pray while you live in this world.

4. A person who glorifies God
God’s people do not glorify themselves. They glorify God for everything (Lk 2:28-38). God works in the life of those people. When God’s people devote themselves to His Glory, He grants them tremendous grace and blessings. May God alone be honored in the whole arena of our lives.

Like Simeon who waited for Jesus, we should be righteous, devout, and be filled with the Holy Spirit. And I bless you in the Name of the Lord, so that, like Anna who eagerly prayed, all of you may keep praying without ceasing and glorify God.