癤? Paul's Final Confession of Faith
2 Timothy 4:6-8
Everyone leaves life with his most crucial words. Just before he was martyred, Apostle Paul left his beloved disciple and spiritual son, Timothy, a letter containing his last words. 2 Timothy is like Paul?셲 dying wishes. I would like to talk about Apostle Paul?셲 final confession of faith incorporated in 2 Timothy.
혻1. The confession that he would be martyred for the Lord (ver. 6)
Apostle Paul knew by his praying that he was soon going to die. He confessed that he would become an offering of martyrdom, pouring out his blood of sacrifice on the altar (2 Tim 4:6). Apostle Paul?셲 life was utterly changed after he met Jesus Christ. From that time on he devoted his whole life to the Lord. His life was often put at risk and he went through many difficulties while preaching the gospel. However, he gave thanks and praised the Lord with each difficulty; and made even greater efforts to spread the gospel. Apostle Paul confessed that he had done everything the Lord had entrusted him with and was now ready to shed blood of martyrdom. This showed Apostle Paul?셲 firm resolution of faith that he would not spare anything for Jesus Christ.
혻 2. A devotional life to serve the Lord to his best (ver. 7)
Apostle Paul confessed that he had fought the good fight (2 Tim 4:7). Even though we were under the command of Satan, we have become a child of God since we believe in Jesus Christ. We have gained victory through Jesus our commander who had said on the Cross ?쏧t is finished.?? Knowing this truth Apostle Paul through faith, put his every effort in fighting against the power of devils and won a victory with each fight. Therefore, we should never be afraid of circumstances. Rather, we should march forward in faith in God?셲 victory. Apostle Paul confessed that he had finished his race. We also need to finish our race of faith until the day the Lord calls us to Himself. Apostle Paul confessed that he had kept the faith. If a believer has done a great deal of work without faith, it would not be glorifying God but boasting upon oneself. I pray that we keep our faith by living a life following God?셲 words in this world.
3. A devotional life to serve the Lord to his best (ver. 8)
Though Apostle Paul was facing death, the most dreadful situation, he looked at the world beyond death, at a glorious future (2 Tim 4:8). To all the unbelievers, death is the most dreadful and most feared situation. However, to us the believers, death becomes a new hope of joy. With faith, we march forward looking at our bright future that will come after death (Rev. 21:3-4). Therefore, I pray that we all have a devotional life to serve the Lord until that day comes when we are all in joy with the Lord forevermore.
혻I wish that we all look back on our lives to see how dedicated we were to the Lord and make resolutions in working harder for the Lord in the coming year. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ that we all confess like Apostle Paul who said, ?쏧 have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith (2 Tim 4:7).??