A New Beginning in Life

Mt 3:13~17

Before Jesus Christ, the Son of God, began His public ministry at thirty years of age, the very first thing He did was be baptized.

1. Jesus was baptized
Before Jesus Christ began His public ministry (Mt 3:13-15), John the Baptist prepared the way for Him while baptizing people in the desert. John the Baptist baptized people for the forgiveness of sins (Mt 3:5-6, Mk 1:4). Baptism is symbolic for forgiveness of sins. It is also a symbol for a new beginning (Ro 6:4). I wish for you to turn away from all sins and transgressions of your past and make a new start as we hail the New Year.

2. Heaven was opened
Heaven opened (Mt 3:16) when Jesus was baptized and came out of the water. Once we believe in Jesus Christ, our spiritual eyes are opened so that we can see the heavenly kingdom. Before we believed in Jesus, we saw the world only through our eyes without any knowledge of the spiritual world. That sort of life is filled with despair. But once we believe in Jesus Christ, our spiritual eyes are opened so that we can see heaven and live for the glory if God with new hope.

3. The Spirit of God descended like a dove and lighted on Him
The Holy Spirit descended upon the baptized Jesus (Mt 3:16). When we believe in Jesus, the Holy Spirit comes upon us. We can never believe in Jesus Christ without the Holy Spirit (I Ch 12:3). Once we believe in Jesus Christ, we are promised to be filled with the Holy Spirit at any time (Ac 1:5, 2:4). When we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we become capable servants working for the expansion of God’s kingdom (Ac 1:8). Just as the Holy Spirit descended like a dove, a symbol for gentleness and humility, our personality must experience changes when we receive the Holy Spirit. Just as hot-tempered Apostle John received the Holy Spirit and became an apostle of love, I wish we all become filled with the Holy Spirit and bear fruit of the Spirit (Ga 5:22-23).

4. God’s words that came upon Jesus
The baptized Jesus heard from God who said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased” (Mt 3:17). We must be very sensitive to the voice of the Lord. I pray that you will hear God’s voice throughout your lives and live a life guided by His Word (Ps 119:105). Let us all be completely obedient to His Word and become the beloved ones who are pleasing to God.

I wish we all believe in Jesus Christ and be filled with the Holy Spirit and make a new start in life as a beloved child of God. I pray that all the church members will lead a life that pleases God.