You Are Light in the Lord
Eph 5:8~10

Our faith in Christ has made us a new creation (2 Cor. 5:17). I pray that as God’s children who have been made a new creation, you will live a life of creating new history.

1. Take off your old self
We were born in darkness as children of sin. Before we came to faith in Jesus, we were living in darkness (Eph 5:8). Worldly newspapers and news devote time in reporting more about criminal acts and disastrous incidents than about benevolent feats and beautiful accomplishments. The reason is that the world is under the influence of the power of darkness that rules the kingdom of the air. We must take off our old self, the image of this darkness (Eph 4:22). I pray that you will take off the image of your old self that has been in slavery to sin (Ro 622, Gal 2:20).

2. You Are Light in the Lord
Our faith in Christ should be able to confirm our identity as children of God. We have become light in the Lord (Eph 5:8). We have become the light that illuminates the dark world. Believers should no longer be bound by their past wounds or guided by a negative self-image because they have been changed and renewed. Now we are to live as children of light. I pray that you will act as the light of hope in places of despair and as the light of joy in places of sorrow.

3. Bear the fruit of light
The Bible says that the fruit of light is in all goodness and righteousness and truth (Eph 5:9). Christians must live lives of bearing fruit. We should bear fruit of goodness, righteousness, and truth (Phil 1:11). Live a good life with a good conscience (1Th 5:21). I hope that you will live righteously before Christ (Mic 6:8). We must always be sincere to Christ and people and must please the Lord (Eph 5:10).


Live a changed life. Bear witness to the love of Christ throughout the world. We are the light in the Lord. Let us live a life of forgiveness, peace, healing wounds, and encouraging others. We should completely depend on the Lord and become a faithful servant, filled with the Word and the Holy Spirit. Then God will make us shine as light.