癤풦 Will Pour Out My Spirit on All People
(Joel 2:28-32)
혻The fundamental difference between those who believe in Jesus Christ and those who don?셳 lies in where believers position themselves with the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit (1 Cho 12:3).

1. Be filled with the Holy Spirit.
God promised to pour out His Spirit on all people on the last day (Joel 2:28). The promise was accomplished on the day of Pentecost, the tenth day since Jesus??Ascension (Act 2:4). Although we believe in Jesus, we often feel discouraged over trivial things and fall into temptation because we are not filled with the Spirit (Eph 5:18). We can live for the glory of God as powerful Christians only when we are Spirit-filled (Act 7:60). Being Spirit-filled is the key to overcoming difficulties and gaining victory in life. Often faced with daunting challenges that seem too difficult for us to overcome with our own strength; if we count on the Holy Spirit, He will work all things out for us and help us bear wonderful fruit (Zech 4:6). Therefore, be filled with the Spirit and commit yourself to Him in complete reliance. Be eager to receive the fullness of the Spirit. When you completely repent of your sins and march forward in prayer, latching onto the word of promise, God will show you His grace and fill you with His Spirit.

2. Have holy dreams
We ought to have holy dreams in the Lord (Joel 2:28). Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see (Heb 11:1). Our faith in Jesus exposes us to a whole new world. So far, we have been living for our own benefit, with our thoughts dominated by the things on earth; but since our spiritual eyes are open, we live our lives headed for the heavenly kingdom. When the Spirit comes, we will face heavenward, and march on in faith with holy dreams. Great and wonderful things will happen to us when we dream a holy dream for the glory of God, arm ourselves with the thoughts of God, and march on with a proclamation of faith.

3. Bear witness to the Gospel
Now all we need to do is preach the Gospel in season and out of season (Joel 2:32). A Spirit-filled person receives power to bear witness to the Gospel (Act 1:8). During the time of the Great Awakening in America, the Holy Spirit came on people and great revival took place through the preaching of Jonathan Edwards. We ought to set our minds for such revival to happen again today. Every church should experience new revival that leads a great number of people to salvation through the Gospel.

Become a Spirit-filled person. I pray that we all become Spirit-filled so that we dream a holy dream, bear witness to the Gospel and lead a victorious life this year with the Lord?셲 grace.