癤풤ive Me This Hill Country
(Jos 14:9-12)

God walks with a person of faith and a dream. All people of God in the bible had a holy dream and lived a life of faith. Caleb did not look to the negative circumstances but only to God. Caleb marched on with positive faith.

1. Caleb was faithful to God
When the Israelites went out of Egypt and arrived at Kadesh Barnea, the entrance of Canaan, Moses chose twelve men to spy on the land for forty days. Ten of the spies brought a negative report and Joshua and Caleb a positive one (Nu 14:8). However, the Israelites only accepted the negative report, and rejected the positive report of Joshua and Caleb. As a result, they wandered in the desert for forty years and died there. Only their descendants entered Canaan. Caleb was faithful to God (Jos 14:8). We must be faithful to God like Caleb, so that we must be praised in the future (Mt 25:21).

2. Caleb was a man of the Word
In order to be faithful to God, we should always obey the Word of God. Caleb kept the Word of God in mind all the time. He lived by faith, holding onto the Word that he received through Moses. ?쏷he land on which your feet have walked will be your inheritance and that of your children forever, because you have followed the LORD my God wholeheartedly.?? (Jos 14:9-10) Abraham also left his hometown, holding onto the Word of God only by faith (Ge 12:1-3). March on with faith, holding onto the Word of promise.

3. Caleb was a man of a dream
The people of God have a dream. Caleb at 85 years of age boldly said, ?쏥ive me this hill country now??(Jos 14:11-12). There lived the descendants of the Ana kites, and it was hard to conquer the land. But nothing is impossible to those who have a dream. When we have a holy dream, holding onto the Word of God in the Lord, wonderful things will take place to us.

4. Caleb was blessed by God
Joshua blessed Caleb (Jos 14:13). The Scripture says that Caleb followed the Lord God wholeheartedly (Jos 14:14). Caleb advanced with faith and conquered the hill country. Hebron belonged to Caleb and then the land had rest from war (Jos 14:14-15). When God is with us, we can conquer all the impossibilities (Jos 1:3, 5).

I pray that like Caleb you will become faithful to God, you will all become a person of the Word and a dream, so that you can be blessed abundantly.