癤풷our Faith Has Healed You
(Mk 5:25-34)

The life of a Christian is a life of faith. Their life begins with faith for salvation in Jesus, faith to live as a Christian and finally faith to go to heaven. Therefore I hope that every day you will look to Jesus Christ in whom you believe and go on to advance your faith. (Heb. 12:2)

1. A person in despair
There was a woman who was subject to bleeding for twelve years (Mk 5:A25-26). She spent all she had to receive care of many doctors but instead of getting better, she grew worse. This woman who suffered from bleeding for twelve years can represent all of us who live in sin and despair. We cannot overcome the despair of this world by ourselves. As long as we are confined to our flesh, our life cannot be free from despair (Ro 7:24).

2. The word and faith
This woman in despair heard about Jesus (Mk 5:27-28). She heard that Jesus was a healer. We should endeavor to preach the Good News. When the Good News is preached, those who hear this news are saved (Ro 10:17). This woman heard the Word and put faith in what she heard (Mk 5:28). When we hear the Word, we change our thinking, embrace a holy dream, confess our faith, and take a step of faith. Always long to listen to the Word. The Holy Spirit works in our hearts when we hear the Word.

3. The Faith That Brings Salvation
A large crowd followed and pressed around Jesus. He realized that power had gone out from him and stopped (Mk 5:33-34). When this woman fell at his feet and told him the whole truth (Mk 5:32-33), Jesus said, ?쏡aughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.??(Mk 5:34). What God wants from us is absolute faith in Him. When Jesus gave sight to the blind, he said the same thing, ?쏛ccording to your faith will it be done to you??(Mk 9:29). With unbelief, we cannot experience any miracle (Mk 6:5-6). The Lord works on our faith.

Hold onto the Cross, and advance with absolutely positive faith. I pray in the Name of the Lord that you may experience miracles everyday and testify of the tremendous work of Christ all over the world.