癤풫ary Devoted Herself to Jesus - (Mk 14:3-9)

Expressing one?셲 deepest love for Jesus is the most gratifying duty as a Christian. Such love is found in a woman who broke her alabaster jar of very expensive perfume and poured the perfume on the head of Jesus.

1. The opportunity for devotion
Just a few days before His crucifixion, Jesus was dining in the home of Simon the Leper; when Mary, sister of Lazarus, brought an alabaster jar full of expensive perfume and broke it to pour on the head of Jesus (Mk 4:3, Jn 12:3). Mary remembered what Jesus said regarding His sufferings, and was compelled to demonstrate her devotion to Him. With all her mind, spirit, and heart, she gave Jesus her most valuable possession of expensive perfume. There is no second chance to serve the Lord. We should seize our chance when we have it to express our passionate love for Jesus.

2. The course of devotion
It was Jesus whom Mary was extravagantly anointing with her perfume; but people sharply rebuked her for doing so (Mk 14:4-5, Jn 12:5). Difficulties follow those in the course of their devotion to Christ. When you work passionately for the Lord, people that are unconcerned about their devotion to the Lord will criticize you for what you do. Mary pushed forward to serve Jesus with all her heart. Do not be discouraged or disappointed in the course of your devotion to the Lord. Refrain from speaking, listening or even thinking anything negative. Fix your eyes on Jesus and boldly, in faith, practice the love of Jesus.

3. The resolution for devotion
In order to pour perfume on Jesus we must first break an alabaster jar (Mk 14:3). This means that devotion requires resolution. Do not just put your thoughts into action. The alabaster jar had to be broken. The jar symbolizes our outer selves. True devotion to the Lord is made possible only when we resolve to break our old selves. When we are broken and made humble, Jesus Christ who resides in us sends forth a sweet odor (Gal 2:20). Miracles come about from our resolution.

4. The resolution for devotion
Mary accomplished a monumental work of love for Jesus (Mk 14:9). I pray that you make your life worth living by accomplishing a great achievement for the glory of Jesus just like Mary did. Jesus said Mary did everything within her power to prepare for His burial (Mk 14:8). To date her beautiful act of devotion has been told and retold throughout the world (Mk 14:9). Jesus will take care of us when we love Him with all our hearts and minds. Hold onto the Cross, and advance with absolutely positive faith. I pray in the name of the Lord that you may experience miracles everyday and testify of the tremendous work of Christ all over the world.

When we put ourselves to death, Jesus will live; and show us his wonderful grace and blessings. I pray that we only look to Jesus, give Him love and thanksgiving by breaking our alabaster jar. May be give glory to him with humble hearts.