癤풧esus Christ, the Hope of all Humankind
(John 20:19-23)

Jesus conquered sin and death and rose from the dead. Jesus??resurrection is the greatest miracle in human history; and is a joyful and life changing realization (1Co 15:20). In the evening when Jesus rose from the dead; He appeared to His disciples and proclaimed four messages of hope.

1. Jesus proclaimed peace
Jesus said to His disciples who were in despair and fear: "Peace be with you!" (Jn 20:19). When they heard these words from Jesus; true peace and joy replaced their sorrow. The peace that Jesus gives is true, eternal peace that the world cannot give (Jn 14:27). When this peace from Jesus' love comes to us anxiety, worry, and fear vanish; and joy overflows in our hearts (Jn 20:20).

2. Jesus entrusted us with a mission
Jesus gave His disciples a mission, saying: "I am sending you" (Jn 20:21). Jesus sent us to those who are in sin and despair. Since we have all received, by the grace of God, the blessing of true peace, true joy, and true love; we should go out to the world and deliver the love of Jesus to many poor souls. The Lord promised us who go out with the Gospel that ?쏦e would be with us to the very end of the age." (Mt. 28:20). May you be clothed with humility for the glory of God and have the attitude of serving God and others.

3. Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit
Jesus breathed on His disciples and said: "Receive the Holy Spirit."(Jn 20:22). As God created man and breathed His Spirit into him; so too when we believe in Jesus and become renewed, the Holy Spirit comes into our souls. Without the Holy Spirit we can not believe in Jesus, and without the fullness of the Holy Spirit we can not live a vital life of faith. In order to catch up with the commission entrusted to us, we must be filled with the Holy Spirit. The fullness of the Holy Spirit is the fullness of Jesus. I hope that you are filled with the Holy Spirit and bear the nine-fruit character of Jesus (Gal 5:22-23).

4. Jesus commanded us to forgive
Forgiveness is the crystal of love and the completion of the resurrection message (Jn 20:23). As we have received forgiveness from God, we should now live, forgiving others (Mt 6:12). When we forgive others and practice the love of Christ; our prayers will be answered and God's miracles will be performed for us. When we become one heart through forgiveness, the Lord gives us the blessing of the key of heaven (Matthew 16:19). Imitate Jesus who forgave all our sins on the Cross by forgiving your neighbors, practice love and live a life overflowing with God's grace.혻

Please pray for the peace of Christ on this earth, for the love of the Lord, for the infilling of the Holy Spirit, for faithfulness to the mission that God gave you, and for the power to practice forgiveness.