A Victorious Life of Faith
(1 Cor. 15:55-58)

Death has control over all human beings because Adam and Eve sinned and fell. Jesus died for the sins of all humankind on the cross and on the third day rose from the dead; therefore the power of sin and death is no longer able to dominate humankind. Our risen Lord has conquered the power of death.

1. Jesus has conquered the power of death
Human kind lives in despair of sin and death. As long as human beings are clothed with flesh, they can not be set free from this despair (Ro 7:24). However, since Jesus died and rose again; He defeated the power of sin and death (1 Co 15:55). Anyone who believes in Jesus receives salvation as a gift and participates in the grace of resurrection (1 Co 15:57). The Bible says, "Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep." (1 Co 15:20-21). We are made new in the Lord and in Him have victory over sin (2 Co 5:17). Jesus our Lord has defeated sin and death, has saved us from all sins and despair; and allows us to live a victorious life in Him (Ro 8:37, 1 Jn 5:4). Therefore, I hope that you live a life thoroughly dependent upon the Lord.

2. Possessing firm faith
Now we must be armed with the faith of resurrection and have firm faith that is never shaken (1 Co 15:58). We should live a life without shame before the Lord because we have hope for heaven (2 Pe 3:14). Always examine yourself with the Word, repent, depend on the power of the Blood, and live a life filled with the Holy Spirit through praise and prayer. God is looking for a person of faith. God is pleased when we live by faith. (Heb 11:6). I hope that you live a life of absolute positivity and absolute thanksgiving based on the faith of the Cross and advance only by faith.

3. A life of devotion to the work of the Lord
The apostle Paul urged us: “Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord” (1Co 15:58). Those who are saved have received the life of resurrection, and have firm faith; and should now live the rest of their lives for the glory of God. All our works before the Lord are not in vain (Gal 6:9). When we do our best and devote ourselves to the glory of God, in due season, the Lord will reward us for what we do (1 Co 3:8). I hope that you bring glory to God in every area of your life.

Please go out with the gospel of Christ to those who are in despair and lead unbelievers to the Lord. I hope that you become precious children of the Lord who practice the love of Christ to your neighbors who suffer.