Sing, O Daughter of Zion
(Zeph 3:14-17)

Our life should be a life of joy and thanks because we have become God’s children by faith in Jesus. The prophet Zephaniah declared a message of hope when the kingdom of Judah faced a major crisis.

1. A life of praise and thanksgiving (Vs. 14)
Zephaniah said, "Sing, O Daughter of Zion; shout aloud, O Israel!"(Zeph 3:14). Zephaniah urged the Israelites to give thanks and praise to God about the grace that had been granted, that was being granted, and that would be granted in the future. Praise and thanks are the offerings that are pleasing to God (Ps 103:1). God, who is good and kind, leads our life (Ps 106:1). I hope that you come to the Lord with overflowing thanks.

2. God solves our problems (Vs. 15-16)
Zephaniah said, "The LORD has taken away your punishment, he has turned back your enemy" (Zep 3:15). Omniscient and Almighty God solves all our problems. God alone is the answer to all problems. Our faith in Jesus is the salvation to all our problems. He took away all our transgressions with the power of the blood on the Cross, and gave us the gospel of forgiveness, prosperity, and hope. The Lord has saved us from the pit of despair. Zephaniah said, "On that day they will say to Jerusalem, "Do not fear"(Zeph 3:16). It is fear that makes us despair and feel powerless. When we hear from the doctor that our disease is incurable is when the fear of death comes in and from that point onward our body will rapidly get weaker. We should guard our heart so that joy and peace overflow in us (Pr 4:23). True peace comes to us when we are in the Lord.

3. He is the Almighty that gives salvation (Vs 17)
Zephaniah said, "The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save" (Zep 3:17). Almighty God is with us. God saved us even by giving His only Son Jesus Christ to die on the Cross. God delights in our existence, and loves us with a great love that is like an unmoving deep still sea (Zep 3:17). Since He forgave our sins and saved us with the blood of Jesus; His love never changes and rejoices over us with singing.

We are precious beings to God, the center of His love. Therefore, from now on, our lives should be a life that pleases only God.