癤풞 Life Full of Hope
(2 Cor. 4:16-18)

Many young Christians come to tears when they think about the Cross. However, as time goes on, their busy lives cause them to neglect their faith; and the Grace of God dries out of them. We must wake our spirits from spiritual slumber and daily renew our faith. We must dream God?셲 dream and move forward in faith.

1. Do not lose heart (v16)
Many people live with grief and worries; especially those who have lived a miserable life in the past. Even if they are presently living a good life they still tend to ruminate on their past life and live in agony. On the other hand, there are those who spend their present days sighing as they reminisce on the good times of their past. What is most important for us is how we prepare for tomorrow and live our life now. We must forget about our miserable past and in hope live for tomorrow (2 Cor. 5:17). Christians must both throw away all their bad memories and all the wrongs they have done in the past. They must be renewed day by day with the faith of Jesus; receiving encouragement from both God and others. (2 Cor. 4:16).

2. Faith that overcomes troubles (v17)
All people live with troubles and hardships. Just living in this world is agony. No one in this world lives without tears. But, even in this hard and difficult world, we can be thankful because Jesus has overcome the world (Jn 16:33). Therefore brothers and sisters, let us overcome through the Word of God all our troubles with faith. We can continually live a victorious life because the Lord is with us.

3. Faith that has eternal hope (v18)
The apostle Paul said "So we fix your eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal" (2 Cor. 4:18). Things in this world are seen but they are temporary. On the other hand, things in God's Kingdom are unseen but they are eternal. Our eternal hope is in God's Kingdom. Brothers and sisters, our hearts will be renewed day by day when we look forward, with hope, for a new heaven and a new earth. Our forefathers of faith had this hope therefore they were able die as martyrs while preaching the Gospel with joy in their hearts.

Let us persevere in hope looking forward to the Lord and we will overcome our troubles with faith, always living a life that is renewed.