癤풫ary the Great Mother
(Lk 2:48-51)

There is always a great mother behind every great person. Mother Mary is one of the greatest mothers in human history. Thanks to her sacrifice and devotion, Jesus was born on this earth.

1. Mary, who set an example of self-sacrifice and obedience
There was a virgin named Mary from a small village called Nazareth who served God very faithfully. One day an angel appeared to her and said that she would bear a son. (Lk 1:30-31) The angel said that it would happen when the Holy Spirit came and the power of God over-shadowed her (Lk 1:34-35). Mary was startled, but she humbled herself and obeyed the will of God (Lk 1:38). Mary?쁲 obedience was an obedience unto death. In those days if an unmarried woman was pregnant before she married; she would be stoned to death. Jesus came to this earth through the self-sacrifice and obedience of Mary.

2. Mary, who always kept the Word of God in her heart
Mary always lived a life based on the Word of God. Mary prayed that all would be done as the angel said. She raised Jesus treasuring the word she received. (Lk 1:38, 2:19, 2:51) Mary directed the servants to do whatever Jesus told them to do at a wedding feast in Cana (Jn 2:5). The inheritance that a mother should pass on to her children is a life of obeying the Word of God. I hope that you will always keep God?셲 Word and teach it to your children.

3. Mary, who was with Jesus until His death
Mary stayed with Jesus throughout His public life and until He was crucified on the Cross. All Jesus??disciples, except John, ran away before the crucifixion; but His mother Mary and a few women stayed with Him (Jn 19:25-26). A mother should set an example of a life of faith and service to her children. I hope that you will be examples of keeping your faith, especially through trials and suffering.

4. Mary, who was a praying mother
Jesus??mother Mary was also with the disciples as they gathered and prayed together after Jesus ascended to heaven. (Ac 1:14) The Holy Spirit came into the upper room where all prayed and the first church was born (Ac 2:1,4). A mother's earnest prayer changes her children's destiny. A mother is given a mission of prayer. Through a mother's prayer, churches and families, especially children will be blessed and revived.

Like Mary, I hope that you will all stay close to the Word of God with an obedient faith, always stay close to Jesus with a firm faith in God and restore your children and family.