The Wind of God, The Wind of the Holy Spirit
(Nu 11:18~20)

The disciples of Jesus were powerless before they received the Holy Spirit; however they were powerful after they were filled with the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost. We must be filled with the Holy Spirit in order to live a powerful and victorious life. The key to church revival lies in the fullness of the Holy Spirit.

1. Man's thoughts
When the Israelites went out of Egypt into the desert; God protected and led their steps by a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. God gave them water out of a rock when they were thirsty, and sent them manna from heaven when they were hungry. However, the Israelites complained and did not give thanks for the blessings they received. Some of them grumbled, saying that they wanted to eat meat (Nu 11:4). These complaints spread throughout the desert (Nu 11:10). God detests resentments and complaints. God's children must rejoice and give thanks for any circumstances (1Th 5:16-18).

2. God, our problem solver
Moses was depressed because of the complaints of the Israelites; but God appointed lay- leaders and filled them with the Holy Spirit to help Moses (Nu 11:17). God said that he would give the Israelites an abundance of meat that would last for one month (Nu 11:18-19). God is the answer to all our problems. God hears our prayer when we kneel down and petition Him. He answers our prayer and gives us the Word of blessings. Therefore, do not stop praying but listen to the Lord. God never leaves us alone in despair (Php 4:6-8).

3. The wind of God
When God sent the wind, quails rushed from the sea and covered the Israelites (Nu 11:31). The wind of God brought abundant food to the Israelites. When God created man, He breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living being (Ge 2:7). In the vision of dry bones shown to Ezekiel; God's breath entered the dry bones and a vast army came to life and stood up on its feet (Eze 37:1,9-10). The wind of the Holy Spirit must blow into us. The wind of the Holy Spirit blew into Pyongyang in 1907 and Korea was able to become a Christian country, enabled to send missionaries throughout the world. Our Full Gospel Church was able to experience amazing revival because we were front-runners in the Holy Spirit movement in Korea.

It is very important to believe in Jesus and live a life full of the Holy Spirit. We must always be filled with the Holy Spirit and keep on a path of tremendous revival and growth in our faith and church.