When the Holy Spirit Comes to You
(Acts 1:8)

 Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to His disciples and be with them forever (Jn 14:16). Ten days after Jesus ascended to heaven the Holy Spirit came as He had promised; and the church was born. I'm going to share with you the three kinds of grace God gives us according to Acts 1:8, the key scripture of Acts.
1. The Holy Spirit must come on us.
  One of the most important things the disciples of Jesus needed was to be filled with the Holy Spirit. (Ac 1:8a) Jesus commanded His disciples not to leave Jerusalem but wait for the Holy Spirit as promised by the Father (Ac 1:4). Jesus' disciples were all together in one place in Jerusalem for ten days, praying earnestly with the Word (Ac 2:1). Then, on the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came upon all as Jesus said He would do (Ac 2:4). When Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River, the Holy Spirit descended on Him like a dove (Lk 3:22). On the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came to rest on each of Jesus' disciples like tongues of fire that separated with the blowing of a violent wind (Ac 2:3). Even today, we must earnestly seek for the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Jesus, to come upon us (Ac 19:2). The fullness of the Holy Spirit is the key to solve all our problems (Zec 4:6).
2. We must receive the power of the Holy Spirit.
  We will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on us.(Ac 1:8b) Jesus told His disciples to receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on them. The life of Jesus Christ was a life that had the power of the Holy Spirit.(Lk 4:14). Jesus healed the sick, drove out demons and extended the kingdom of God.(Lk 8:46, 9:1, 10:19). The power of the Holy Spirit comes down from above.(Lk 24:49) When we receive this power, we can go out boldly, preach the gospel and heal the sick.(Ac 2:14, 3:6). Jesus was anointed with the Holy Spirit and power from God.(Ac 10:38).
3. We must live a life of a witness.
  When the Holy Spirit comes on us we become a witness for Jesus (Ac 1:8c). A witness not only testifies for Jesus with his mouth; but also testifies with a mind of a martyr by devoting himself and laying down his life. Stephen was martyred as he devoted his life to preach the gospel as a true witness (Ac 22:20). The kingdom of God expanded by the sacrifice and devotion of God's workers (Jn 12:24). All of us should live a life of a witness who preaches the gospel of Jesus (Lk 24:48)
  We, who live in the age of the Holy Spirit, must always endeavor to be filled with the Holy Spirit. I pray that you will all be filled with the Holy Spirit, receive power and live a life of a witness for the Lord in every field of your life by preaching the gospel to the ends of the earth.