Missionary Work, Jesus Great Commission
(Matt 28:18-20)

Matthew chapter 28 verses 18-20 is called the Great Commission that Jesus gave to his disciples as his last word. This scripture passage is summarized into one word “Mission” or preaching the Gospel. God takes great joy in the preaching of the gospel. This is the calling of all believers and the goal of the church in this earth.

1. Missionary work through the authority of Jesus Christ
Jesus has all the authority of heaven and earth (Mat 28:18). God has made the knees of each nation to bow down at the name of Jesus (Phil 2:9-11). We can preach the gospel only through the help of Jesus. When we are full of the Holy Spirit we rely on Jesus wholeheartedly; and when Jesus becomes our priority we can become powerful witnesses of the Gospel (Acts 1:8). I bless you all so that you will each experience the grace of the Cross of Jesus Christ and glorify God when the true work of the Holy Spirit is shown.

2. Missionary work of seeking lost souls
Jesus ordered His disciples to go (Mat 28:19). In verse 19, the word ‘go’ means 2 things: to leave and to go towards one’s destination. Certain things must be left behind to preach the Gospel (Gen 12:1-3). To preach the Gospel, we must first leave behind our pride, stubbornness, disobedience and our old self, and we must become one through the love of Christ. Then we must go towards those souls who are poor, hungry and neglected. We must all boldly ‘leave’ our realities that have gone astray and ‘go’ towards those that are gesturing us for help.

3. Missionary work of making disciples for Christ
Jesus said to go and make disciples of all nations (Mat 28:19). Today’s realities are that there are many saints but there aren’t many disciples. This society is not seeing any changes due to the lack of disciples. True disciples have images of Jesus and we can become true disciples only through the fullness of the Holy Spirit because being full of the Holy Spirit means being full of Jesus. With the assurance of salvation, we must learn and follow the Words of God so that the Word of God becomes a part of our lives (Mat 28:20; Psa 1:1-3). I bless your everyday life so that you will be like Jesus by being full of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.

4. Missionary work accompanied by Jesus
Our missionary work is the mission of Immanuel. Jesus promised that He will be with those who preach the Gospel (Mat 28:20). The Lord is always with us (Jn 14:1, 16:33). Therefore, be a disciple who accompanies Jesus for the rest of your life. I bless you so that you will make our Lord happy by devoting yourselves to the preaching of the Gospel until we face God in heaven.

A saint that evangelizes will grow in faith, a church that evangelizes will have renewal and a nation that evangelizes will have revival throughout that nation. Let’s become true disciples for Christ by preaching the Gospel and giving joy to God.