Blessed People
(Dt 33:29)

Many people in this world are seeking for happiness. They think that happiness comes through worldly wealth, fame and power; and therefore strive for these things above all else. However, the Bible says that happiness comes from the heart (Pr 4:23). What should we do to be happy? We can be truly happy when we receive Jesus Christ into our heart as our Savior.

1. Blessed people in the Lord
In Deuteronomy 33:29, Israel is called blessed. In the Old Testament we see that Israel was God's chosen people. In the New Testament we comprehend that all Christians who believe in Jesus are the spiritual Israel. Christians are truly happy people because Jesus, the source of our happiness, is in our hearts. Therefore, I hope that you remove your wrong self-image, look at your newly changed image in Christ, and live, proclaiming that you are happy (2Co 5:17).

2. A person saved by God
Israel is a nation of people saved by God (Dt 33:29). They were enslaved by Egypt for 430 years, experienced the Passover with the miracle of the Red Sea, went through the desert guided and protected by God and were blessed to enter the land of Canaan. Israel experienced God’s protection and providence through all these experiences not because they were better than others but because God chose to direct special mercy and love towards them (Dt 7:6-8). We are also saved by a special grace of God. We have been saved from sin, curse, and death by the grace of the Cross of Jesus. We should give eternal thanks to God who saved us.

3. A person helped by God
God is a shield that helps Israel (Dt 33:29). In our lives countless enemies attack us. However, whatever you face, give praise and thanks to God; because He is your shield. God saves and protects us from the attack of the enemies, from our sufferings and our problems, and leads us to a safe place (Ps 23:4, 18:1-3). Therefore, I pray that you will live your life completely dependent on God by receiving the protection and help of God.

4. A person victorious through God
God is the glorious sword of Israel (Dt 33:29). God gives us victory. Our sufferings are temporary and God's great blessing and glory afterwards waits for us (Ro 5:3-4). God defeats the devil and gives us victory from all our problems and as a result the enemies will kneel down and obey us.

We have become happy people by believing in Jesus Christ. God has saved us, helps us and gives us victory. I pray that you always give thanks to God who has given you this marvelous grace.