I am the Vine: You are the Branches
(Jn 15:5-8)

The greatest joy while living in this world is to believe in Jesus. There is no greater joy than this. The joy that the world gives us is temporary. However, the joy that Jesus gives us is eternal. What is the secret to maintain the joy that we have received by the grace of the Lord?

1. A life that remains in the Lord
When we remain in the Lord, our life will be filled with joy (Jn 15:4). We lived a life separated from God before we believed in Jesus. However our life changed after we received Jesus as our Savior by the magnificent grace of God. We were delivered as slaves of sin; and have become God's blessed children, with the Holy Spirit dwelling in our hearts (1Co 6:19). Now we must be one with the Lord and live for the glory of God (Gal 2:20). I hope that you daily crucify your old self on the cross and live a life of bringing glory to God as a renewed vessel changed in the Lord.

2. A life that bears fruit
When we remain in the Lord, we bear lots of fruit (Jn 15:5). Fruit is not born by our might but by the help and the grace of the Lord. A branch will receive nourishment and bear fruit just by being stuck to a vine. In the same way we will bear plenty of fruit when we stick to Jesus and become like Him. I pray that you stay in the Lord and live a life bearing abundant fruit by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

3. A life that lives by the Word of God
A life that remains in the Lord is a life filled with the Word of God (Jn 15:7). The Word is food for our soul.(1Jn 3:24) When we depend on the Word of God, the Word of life, and pray in the name of Jesus with faith; God's answers and blessings will come to us (Jn 14:13-14). Those who love God love the Word of God more than anything else (Jn 14:15, 15:10). When we love God and stay in the Word, we will be filled with joy (Jn 15:11).

4. A life of a discipline
We will be acknowledged as disciples of the Lord when we live according to the Word of God and bear fruit (Jn 15:8). God will be glorified through our changed life (Mt 5:16). Our society and nation would be changed if each believer in Jesus lived a life of a true disciple of Jesus. May you become a disciple of Jesus, filled with His Holy Spirit and Word, and may God through you change the world.

Jesus is the vine and we are His branches. True joy will continue to flow in us when we remain in the Lord, bear plenty of fruit; and live a life as a true disciple filled with the Holy Spirit and the Word.