David Who Brought Down Goliath
(1Sa 17:45-47)

One of the most dramatic and impressive stories in the Bible is that of a boy named David who defeated the giant Goliath. Spiritually, Goliath signifies our enemies such as big trials and temptations. How can we overcome the Goliaths that come into our lives?

1. Goliath, who comes for us.
A war broke out between Israel and the Philistines (1Sa 17:1). A giant champion from the Philistine mocked, and laughed at the armies of Israel (1Sa 17:4-5). King Saul and all the armies of Israel were dismayed and terrified because of Goliath (1Sa 17:11). During our lifetime big problems, like Goliath, come to us and brings us fear. Fear was a result of the sin of Adam and Eve (Ge 3:10). In order to overcome fear, we must guard our hearts and look to the Lord (Pr. 4:23, Isa 41:10). We must believe that Jesus who has overcome the world is with us and take courage (Jn 16:33). We will then receive the peace of Jesus in our hearts.

2. David's faith and courage.
One day a boy David took food, as an errand for his father, to his older brothers who were in Saul’s battlefield; and heard Goliath shouting insults (1Sa 17:23). The entire Israelite army was terrified of Goliath except David (1Sa 17:24, 25). David took courage in the Lord, went up to King Saul, and said he would fight Goliath who mocked the armies of God (1Sa 17:32, 35-36). David confessed that the living God was with him. We need big faith and courage like David had that day. I bless you so that at this moment you would believe the God of tremendous work, power, healing and miracles.

3. God who has given us a great victory.
David met Goliath’s sword, spear and javelin with a staff, five stones, a sling, and the name of the LORD Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel (1Sa 17:45). The name of God has authority (Ac 3:6). David declared a great victory even before the battle (1Sa 17:47). Our fight is a fight that has already been won. For the battle is the LORD's. David slung a stone and sank it into Goliath’s forehead who fell face down on the ground (1Sa 17:49). A great victory was given to David; a victory that is also ours when we are with God.

Advance in the name of God with faith. Victory and blessing of God will be given to those who declare with faith and march forward.