I Have Seen Your Tears
(2Ki 20:1~6)

Prayer is one of the privileges that God has given His beloved children. Prayer is a pathway for blessings. The God of love answers us when we ask (Jer 33:3). We will look at the secret of King Hezekiah’s prayer because by it his life was prolonged.

1. A life that is acknowledged by God.
King Hezekiah lived a life acknowledged by God (2Ki 18:3). He lived honestly and rightly in the eyes of God. He removed the shrines and destroyed the idols that God detested (2Ki 18:4). Most of all, King Hezekiah who thoroughly depended on God, kept His words (2Ki 18:5,6). God was with him and gave him a great blessing (2Ki 18:7). In order for our prayers to be answered, we should be honest before God, rely on Him alone, and live a life observing His Words and putting them into practice. I hope you live a life acknowledged by God.

2. A life that cries out during hardships
King Hezekiah became ill and was at the point of death (2Ki 20:1). Then he cried before God and prayed to Him (2Ki 20:2-3). At times, we face unexpected troubles and big trials. This is the time for us to pray. American churches woke up and were revived when they began to pray after the September 11th terrorist attack. In the same way, our sufferings will turn into blessings when we pray (Ro 5:3-4, Jer 33:3). Suffering is God’s spiritual loud speaker which is meant to wake up sleeping saints. Prayer with tears brings us our answer (Heb 5:7). All our prayers will be answered when we ask God according to His will.

3. God, who answers us
God heard Hezekiah's prayer of tears and answered him (2Ki 20:5-6). We should pray again and again until the Lord answers us. Missionary Chihwan Han of Eclessia Full Gospel Church who ministers to the Moslems depended on God by praying every morning. Then the Lord worked according his prayer. A church and school were established and now the church has grown enough to send missionaries to the area of South East Asia. May you pray earnestly when the Lord's word comes on you!

God told Jacob who was walking in the desert that He would be with him and lead him (Ge 28:15). Jacob depended on the Words of God and advanced with faith. Today God gives us the Word. Therefore when you face any trouble, you should advance with prayer, believing that you will win in the end (Isa 41:10).