Little Girl, Get Up
(Mk 5:35-41)

Everyone has his own precious thing. Jesus Christ said that our lives are more precious than anything in this world. One day Jairus, a synagogue ruler, went to Jesus to ask Him to save his beloved daughter. Today let us see the spiritual lesson that we are to learn from the story of Jairus, the synagogue ruler.

1. Things that despair us
We face many things that cause us to despair. Jairus, a synagogue ruler, was in despair because his precious daughter was dying. Jairus went to Jesus and earnestly asked Him to save her (Mk 5:23). Jesus heard Jairus’ plea to heal his daughter and set His steps towards Jairus’ house. Do not be depressed if you have lost your precious thing. Please go to Jesus and plead with Him. Despair makes us give up our hope of life. I hope that you go to Jesus, our only hope of life, instead of giving into despair.

2. Jesus Christ, our problem solver
We should be very thankful that we have Jesus as our problem solver. The synagogue ruler Jairus, went, knelt down, humbled himself before the Great Healer Jesus and confessed his faith (Mk 5:23). Jesus said, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest" (Mt 11:28). Only Jesus can solve our problems of sin and death. Come to Jesus. All your problems will be solved when you go to Jesus.

3. The saving voice of the Lord
When Jesus arrived at Jairus’, the synagogue ruler’s house, He heard that his daughter was dead and He should no longer be bothered (Mk 5:35). Something that shakes our faith may also happen to us when we face a problem and go to the Lord. We may stumble because of negative words. However, we must not be depressed or give up. Jesus said to Jairus, "Don't be afraid; just believe"(Mk 5:36). People mocked and laughed; but Jairus listened to Jesus and obeyed His Word (Mk 5:38-40). You should stay away from people who speak depressing and negative words, pray to God and continue to depend only on God’s Words of promise to you. When Jesus said to Jairus' daughter, "Little girl, get up;" she rose from the dead Mk 5:41-42). God’s miracle power will also come to us when we believe in the Lord and obey His Word.

God is not pleased with us when we shrink back. Listen to God who is speaking to us. I hope that you advance before the Lord with faith.