When Jesus Saw Their Faith
(Mk 2:1-5)

It is very important to live by faith when we live a life in Jesus (Ro 1:17). God always works with a person of faith. Today's spiritual lesson comes from a story about a paralytic who was healed by faith.

1. The news about Jesus
The news that Jesus was in Capernaum spread (Mk 2:1). The news of Jesus healing all diseases, solving all problems and preaching the amazing Word of God traveled by word of mouth very quickly. Even today we can have faith within us when we hear the Gospel news (Ro 10:17). We have to daily meditate on the Word and listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit through that Word if we want our faith to grow (Ps 1:1-2). It is therefore very important to attend worship services and listen to the Word in our life of faith (Rev 1:3).

2. The obstacles of faith
Four men carried a paralytic on a mat and it was too crowded to come near to Jesus (Mk 2:3-4). At times we too may face obstacles that stand in the way of our life of faith. The reality that confronts us may often cause us to despair. When our Full Gospel Church was planning to move to Yoido; many people negatively said that there was no bus line. However, when we depended on God through prayer to move these obstacles against faith; God allowed us to experience a miracle. We must not fall back because of our obstacles. We must go forward in faith.

3. The faith that creates a miracle.
The four men made an opening in the roof; and laboriously, they lowered the mat the paralyzed man was laying on to Jesus (Mk 2:4). These four men had absolutely positive faith. Although the house owner and people might have surely blamed them; these friends of the paralytic man did not stop making an opening in the roof. Faith overwhelms impossibility. With a holy dream in our hearts, we must challenge with faith that never draws back. This faith will perform a miracle.

4. Jesus, the healer
When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, "Son, your sins are forgiven"(Mk 2:5). Sickness is caused by sin. We should show our faith to the Lord in order to experience a miracle. We must thoroughly repent of our sins before God. We are not free from diseases and problems without repenting. Jesus said to the paralytic, "I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home"(Mk 2:11). That is, we must get up with faith, take our mat of despair, and advance.

The mat of despair of the paralytic was turned into the glory of God (Mk 2:12). We will have to become the people of faith and live a life bringing glory to God.