癤?010 August 8th
Sunday Sermon at Yoido Full Gospel Church ??Seoul, Korea
Speaker: Senior Pastor Rev. Younghoon LEE

When You Offer Your Empty Boat
(Lk 5:1-6)

In Luke Chapter 5, there is a story of Peter who meets Jesus. Peter, who was frustrated and despaired, obeyed Jesus when he was approached by Jesus; and due to this obedience Peter?셲 life was completely changed. Today, let us focus on the spiritual lesson that Peter's story teaches us.

1. Peter, who threw his net
Peter worked hard all night at the Lake of Gennesaret, but caught nothing (Lk 5:2). Peter was filled with frustration and despair. Like Peter, we also let down our nets to be wealthy, to solve our problems, and to be healed from our sicknesses. However, we don't often accomplish our purpose, and our efforts are in vain.

2. Peter, who offered Jesus his empty boat.
Our arrogant life that says ?쁈 can do anything by myself??will ruin us. We must be broken and humbly become empty boats before our Lord. When Peter failed to catch any fish and was despaired, Jesus came to him, got into his boat, and asked him to put out a little from shore (Lk 5:3). Peter was pleased to offer his boat to Jesus and right then, at that moment, was when a miracle was performed. Just as Peter had nothing but gave his empty boat to the Lord, when we commit our hopeless situation to the Lord, His miracle takes place.

3. Jesus Christ, who works through the Word.
When Jesus had finished teaching the people from the boat, He said to him, "Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch."(Lk 5:4) Peter shared his desperate reality with Jesus at first, but he accepted Jesus' words with faith and answered, "But because you say so, I will let down the nets."(Lk 5:5b) When we accept the Word of God with faith, miracles will happen to us. (Mk 9:23)

4. Blessing that is given through an obedient life.
When Peter put his faith in the Word of Jesus and let down the nets in deep water, he caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break, and filled both boats so full that they began to sink (Lk 5:6-7). Peter gave an empty boat to the Lord, and He blessed him so abundantly that both boats were full (Lk 6:38). When God speaks to us, we should only answer with, "Yes" or "Amen." God pours out his grace and blessings abundantly on those who have that kind of faith and obedience. Peter, who received this blessing, fell at Jesus' knees, confessed his sin, and repented (Lk 5:8). When we give thanks to God for his blessings and repent, He grants us more grace.

When you face a problem and your boat is empty, first meet the Lord and listen to His Word. And depend on the Word and live an obedient life. When you repent every day and come near to the Lord, the blessing of Christ will be upon you.