The Help from the Holy Spirit
(Ro 8:26-28)

Today is the 65th anniversary of Korea's independence. Where can we find true freedom and liberty? We can find it only in Jesus Christ and it is possible through the work of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, we really need the help of the Holy Spirit while living a life of faith.

1. The Holy Spirit helps our weakness
The Bible says that the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness.(Ro 8:26) As long as we have a physical body, we cannot be completely free from sins, because our physical body has a sinful nature.(Ro 7:17-18) This physical body keeps us from putting off our old selves, which is familiar with sin. This is the weakness that we have. While we live in this world, we always fight with our old selves and physical selves. It is the work of the Holy Spirit that makes us victorious in this battle and helps us live in accordance with the will of God.(Ro 8:1-2) There is no condemnation for those who are in Jesus. Therefore, we must not forget that we are victors in the Lord, and we must crucify our old selves and live a life that is guided by the Holy Spirit.

2. The Holy Spirit who intercedes for us.
We are weak, and powerless, but when we acknowledge, welcome, invite, and completely depend on the Holy Spirit, He intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.(Ro 8:26) We should always ask for the help of the Holy Spirit. In order to receive the help of the Holy Spirit, we must always kneel down and pray with the Word. The Bible says, "Be filled with the Spirit."(Eph 5:18) I pray that you are always spiritually awake, receive the help of the Holy Spirit, are spiritually restored and experience the grace of God through intercession of the Holy Spirit.(Ro 8:27)

3. God causes all things to work together for good
When we are guided by the Holy Spirit through the life of the Word and prayer, everything will work together for good for us.(Ro 8:28) Sad things, joyful things, painful things and failures will all work together for good. All our troubles will turn into God's blessing and glory in the end.(2Co 4:17) Therefore, we must advance in the faith with absolute positiveness and absolute thankfulness. Remember the Word of blessing, "God works for the good of those who love him." I pray that you always love God and live as a servant of God in a way that pleases Him.
Now we must always think about how we can live a life that glorifies God and through that I hope that all of us become God pleasing servants, who devote ourselves to the glory of God.