癤풪ord, Send a Revival
(Hab 3:2)

Today?셲 Korean churches really need the fullness of the Holy Spirit and a revival. The fullness of the Holy Spirit solves all problems. Therefore the work of the Holy Spirit that appeared in the book of Acts should appear in our churches and in the lives of each and every one of us.
1. Habakkuk's Prayer
Habakkuk heartily prayed, "How long, O LORD, must I call for help, but you do not listen?"(Hab 1:2-3). In those days, the kingdom of South Judah was perishing and sin was prevailing. We must always be alert in spirit and pray with tears for our country, nation, churches, households, and individuals. The prayer of tears brings us God's miracles. Until we have an answer, we should cry out to the Lord earnestly. The Pyongyang Revival in 1907 was a great revival that greatly influenced the history of the Korean church. At that time, with the powerful work of the Holy Spirit ??repentance, prayer and evangelization movements were taking root in all the areas. Missionaries named that day "Korean Pentecost", and Pyongyang was once called the Jerusalem of the Orient. We should continue kneeling and praying for this revival to come once again.

2. God, who gives a revival.
All revivals are God?셲 grace. It is God's work to add more daily, those who are being saved.(Ac 2:47) Our faith must be a God-First faith.(Mt 6:33, Ps 127:1) Although this world is in turmoil and has many problems, when we depend on the Omniscient and Almighty God and march on, we can live a victorious life.(Jer 33:2) Therefore, we should always kneel down humbly and pray before God, and obey the Word of the Lord.(Hab 2:20, 3:2) When we repent and earnestly ask for God's help, He gives us tremendous revival as a gift. We must all have a holy dream about a revival and expect with faith that it will come true. (Heb 11:1, Ac 5:14, 19:20)

3. God, who shows us mercy
Habakkuk prayed that God might remember mercy in wrath.(Hab 3:2) God's mercy must be upon us. When the Lord has mercy on us, then all our problems will be solved. When a blind man, Bartimaeus, first met Jesus, he shouted, "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!"(Mk 10:47) Jesus had pity on him, called him, and healed him so he could see ??which is what he had always wished for. Jesus had pity on Martha and Mary who were weeping and sighing after losing their brother Lazarus, and He gave life to him ??even though is was already four days since he had died. Our Lord is God who spares us and gives us dreams, hope, and courage.

Live with the grace of God's mercy. I expect a great revival and pray earnestly, and always live with a faith of absolute positiveness and absolute thankfulness .(Hab 3:17-18)