A Spiritual Revival
(Isa 54:1-3)

God loves His chosen people to the end. Isaiah chapter 54 is God's word of eternal love and blessing toward His people, the Israelites. This is also a word of blessing that is given to all Christians. God promised the Israelites, who lived in despair as the captives of Babylon, that He would bless them with unimaginable things .(Isa 54:1)

1. Enlarge your territory of faith
In order to pitch a tent, we need a site.(Isa 54:2) We must first expect a revival and enlarge our territory of faith. With strong faith we can experience God's great miracles. Therefore, march onwards with big dreams and visions, and give glory to God with the most splendid “blooms” in your life.(Mk 9:23. Heb 11:1, 6) I hope that you enlarge your tent of faith, declare the Word with faith every day, and live by faith of absolute positiveness and absolute thanksgiving.

2. Stretch out your curtains of love
The curtain is the cloth that covers the tent. No matter how large our place is, without the curtain, it cannot protect us from snow, rain and sunlight. We must stretch out the curtain of love because no matter how strong our faith may be, without the power of love, we cannot bear the fruit of faith.(1Co 13:1-3) The climax of faith is love and the perfection of this love appeared on the Cross. We should all be filled with the love of the Cross, so that we can forgive others and share that love.

3. Devote yourselves to prayer
We make a place for our tent, by pushing a pole into the ground, stretching the curtain, lengthening cords to stakes and pulling the curtain tight. This cord signifies prayer. We must strive to pray in order for the flower of faith and love to bloom.(Col 4:2, Phil 4:6, Ps 107:13, Jer 33:3).

4. Strengthen your hope
When the cords are tightly tied on the stakes, the tent should stand firm. The stake signifies hope that does not fail. When we live in this world, we should fix our eyes on Jesus, who is the Author and Perfecter of our faith,(Heb 12:2) We are destined to go to heaven, which is our homeland. I hope that you persevere through all hardships with an unshakable hope of heaven and are victorious in your life.(Ro 5:3-4).

Enable miracles to happen by praying every day.(Ro 12:12) When we march on with faith, hope and love, God's great blessing will be upon us.(Isa 54:3)