癤? The Love of the Cross
(Mt 22:35-40)

The cross is at the core of Christian faith. On the cross, mankind's salvation was accomplished and God's love was shown to us. Therefore, the cross is the climax of love. The Bible says, "God is love." (1Jn 4:8) The love of this world is temporary and changes easily, but God's love is eternal and does not change. Jesus explained the core of the law with two kinds of love; to love God and to love your neighbors. To love God and neighbors is to love the cross. The vertical line of the cross signifies to love God and the horizontal line of the cross signifies to love your neighbors.

1. Love the Lord your God.
Above all, Jesus said, "Love the Lord your God."(Mt 22:37) The most important thing we could do while we live in this world is to love God. Because the purpose of our existence is for the glory of God.(Isa 43:7) God's love radically changes our lives and always leads us into the grace and blessing of God. God wants us to love Him with all our heart, with all our soul and with our whole mind. This means that we should love God fervently.(Ps 18:1) When we love as God wants, He will be pleased.(Hos 6:6) The reason that we should love God this way is because He has loved us first. (1Jn 4:9-10, Jn 3:16) We should live a life of overflowing thanksgiving for this amazing love of God and the best way to do this is to worship Him.(Ps 1:1-2) We should be a person of worship, the Word and of the Holy Spirit. When we experience God's love through worship and the Word, we will be transformed by the help of the Holy Spirit.

2. Love your neighbor
Jesus said, "Love your neighbor as yourself."(Mt 22:39) To love God and to love our neighbor is not something that is separable, but is something that must be harmonious with each other. Those who love God should love their neighbors with the love of God. (1Jn 4:20, Mt 7:12) During Jesus' last supper, He gave His disciples a new command, "Love one another." (Jn 13:34-35) As the ones who received love from God, we can pay back that love by loving our neighbor who has been created in the image of God.(1Jn 4:7, 21) When we love, our problems will be solved and fear will disappear.(1Jn 4:18) To love our neighbor is to preach Jesus Christ, so that we can heal the society ??that is stained with hatred, strife and conflict ??with the love of Jesus.

To love God and to love our neighbor is the doctrine of all laws and prophets. The life of faith is to practice the love of God. We must live the rest of our lives by loving our neighbors.