Victory in Times of Suffering
(2Co 4:7-10)
The Bible says that mankind are like jars of clay and are weak like a feeble jar of clay. But when Jesus is in us, then we become precious jars of clay and when we have Jesus in our heart, we can be victorious in times of suffering.

1. We are not crushed
The Bible says that "we are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed" (2 Co 4:8a)
When Paul came into Macedonia, he was hard pressed on every side, but Paul later testified that Jesus Christ solved his problems and comforted him (2Co 7:5)
Although it may seem that we are hard pressed on every side, we are not crushed because we have Jesus Christ, who is our treasure, in our jars of clay. (2Ki 6:16, 17)
We may think that we are wretched and worthless but we must realize that the One who is in us is the maker of the Universe. (1Jn 4:4)

2. We are not in despair
The Bible says that we are "perplexed, but not in despair." (2Co 4:8b) There are times in our lives that we are in despair because we face problems that do not seem to have an end. In these kinds of times, we must look toward and rely on Jesus Christ, who is our treasure. Then, our Lord will help us not to fall into despair. Always believe that our treasure Jesus Christ is with you always.

3. We are not abandoned
The Bible says that we are "persecuted, but not abandoned." (2Co 4:9a) Paul was persecuted many times while he was preaching the gospel (2Co 11:23-27), but he was not abandoned because of Jesus Christ. The world may abandon us, but Jesus Christ will never abandon us. God will come closer to us in our times of suffering.

4. We are not destroyed
The Bible says that we will be struck down, but not destroyed. (2Co 4:9b) Believers will always get up again when they fall. They may die but they will not perish, because in heaven they will have a new and glorious life. Jesus Christ, who was crucified and resurrected in 3 days, will always be in our hearts. (Rev 2:10) Although we may face death, we will not perish because the life of Jesus in us will protect us. (2Co 4:10-11) Believe that the life of Jesus is in you. I bless you in the name of Jesus that through Jesus Christ, who is our treasure, you will live a victorious and blessed life.