Faith That Creates Miracles
(Mk 10:46-52)

The Christian life is a life of faith. Our Christian life begins with believing in Jesus, and then continues growing by believing the Word and acting upon it while God's grace is experienced through it. In our lives we should stand firm on the faith of the cross and live with absolute positive faith. Then faith creates miracles and changes our destiny.

1. Faith that earnestly cries out
In order to experience the miracle of God, we must have earnest desires, dreams and faith in God. The blind man, Bartimaeus heard of Jesus in times of despair and he began to believe that he could see.(Ro 10:17) With a dream and faith, he earnestly longed to meet Jesus. Then when Jesus went through Jericho where the blind man lived, he fervently cried out to Him and experienced a miracle. (Mk 10:47, 52)

2. Faith that does not give up
When Bartimaeus shouted to Jesus, people around him rebuked him.(Mk 10:48a) We have obstacles to overcome in order to experience a miracle of God. The people around Bartimaeus were obstacles to him. However he did not give up, shouted all the more and finally stopped Jesus. (Mk 10:48b) Therefore, when trials come, we have to cry out to the Lord more heartily and advance with faith.

3. Faith that goes to the Lord
When Jesus heard Bartimaeus's earnest cry, He stopped and called Bartimaeus. Bartimaeus was so happy that he threw his cloak aside and ran to Him. (Mk 10:49-50) The reason that we do not experience a miracle is that we remain in our old selves. When we hear the voice of the Lord, we should take off our old selves and run to Him with joy.

4. Faith that specifically confesses its desire
When Jesus asked Bartimaeus, "What do you want me to do for you?", he shared his desire in detail, (Mk 10:51)“I want to see.” Hearing the confession of Bartimaeus's faith, He said, "Your faith has healed you."(Mk 10:52) This is the faith that creates a miracle.

God is with people of faith. Become a warrior with a great faith. I hope that with a faith that earnestly cries out, that does not give up, that goes to the Lord and specifically confesses its desires; you come to the Lord, and experience a great miracle.