Our God
(Ps 48:9-14)

God, who we trust and serve, is a good God. We should have absolute faith in such a God.

1. God of love.
We who are God's children have to experience the love and kindness of God at the church, the temple of God.(Ps 48:9) Through worship and prayer, we can experience God’s love for us. John 3:16a says, "God so loved the world." That is, God loved us so much that He sent His only Son to this earth and had Him die on the Cross. God shows us unlimited, unconditional love.(1Jn 4:8)

2. God of power.
God is the God who destroys evil.(Ps 48:11) We are great victors in the Lord. The evil are destroyed in the end, but the righteous have a final victory in any circumstance. That's because Jesus who has overcome the world is with us.(Jn 16:33) Therefore, resist the devil in the Name of Jesus, the power of His blood, the Word, and prayer. I hope that you fight the good fight in the Lord. The God of power is with us.(Ps 23:4)

3. God, who guides us till the end
God is the God who never changes at any occasion. This God is the God who is with us forever and guides our ways until we die.(Ps 48:14) He is the same yesterday, today, and forever even when the world changes.(Heb 13:8) This God is always with us to the end of the age of the world.(Mt 28:20)

Our God is the God of love and power, and leads us to the end. This God is with us to the end of the age of this world. Therefore, I hope that you are never shaken, but hold on to the Cross, only look to the Lord, and advance with faith.