Sing Songs of Dream and Hope
(Hab 3:16-19)

Human beings are different from animals, because they live with dreams and hope. No matter how despaired our life may be, if we have a dream and hope, then we can overcome any difficulties. Today's scripture is a song of hope that Prophet Habakkuk sang while in despair.

1. The substance of despair
Habakkuk is a prophet who worked in the time of King Josiah in Judah. King Josiah was a great king, who started a religious reformation and made Judah right in faith and moral standing. However, after King Josiah died at the battle of Megiddo against the Egyptians, religious fall, moral corruption and social confusion prevailed throughout Judah again. Then one day, Prophet Habakkuk was despaired after he heard God's judgment that Babylon would attack Judah which was corrupted in sin, and its people would be killed or captured, its whole land would be devastated and it would lose everything.

2. The substance of hope
The prophet Habakkuk could sing a song of hope even in light of despair, because of the Lord God.(Hab 3:18) When we look at the world and ourselves, we can not help being despaired. The Lord gives us hope. Our hope does not lie in this world, but in the Lord. God dwells in those that have hope and will perform miracles for them. The key to a miraculous life is hope.

3. The fruit of hope
God alone is our strength.(Hab 3:19) God gives us power to overcome trials. God can make our feet like those of a deer so that we overcome troubles to go higher. A deer can run on high places, in steep mountains, swiftly and quickly. The prophet Habakkuk was not afraid even though he knew there would be great hardships in Judah. That's because he was confident that God would be his strength and give him victory. Habakkuk was not terrified in despair, but he praised God. We should rejoice in God alone, not only when things are going well but also when all reasons to rejoice disappear.

In our lives, we may stand on the cliff of despair. However, we can sing a song of hope, looking to the Lord who is standing in the middle of the despair. Those who have defeated darkness with hope, can enjoy a new life. The Lord becomes our strength and helps us overcome all troubles. He makes our feet like those of a deer so that we can run over the mountain of despair, the wall of sorrow and a high place. Therefore, I hope that you march on with a dream and hope in Jesus, no matter how despaired you are.