The Fire of the Holy Spirit
(1Ki 18:30-33, 37-38)

The only way we can overcome the sufferings in our life of faith, is when the fire of the Holy Spirit comes upon us. The Bible symbolically illustrates this when Elijah prayed on Mount Carmel and God's fire fell. The worship of idols in the Northern Kingdom of Israel resulted in God's wrath that brought drought to the land for 3 years and 6 months; whereupon, Elijah declared that the true God will burn away the sacrifice with fire from the sky and confronted against 450 prophets of Baal and 400 prophets of Ashera. When Elijah prayed and the fire fell, it proved that Yahweh God is the true God. When God's fire comes upon us, we can overcome any difficulties.

1. A faith that repents
The first thing Elijah did was to gather the people and repair the altar of the Lord, which was in ruins (1Ki 18:30). When we worship, we should not leave our ruined life of faith just as it is and go before God to worship Him. We must repent of our sins. Our place of worship for God becomes desolate when we wander in this world. We must repair our altar of worship and rekindle our first love.

2. A faith that unites
Elijah built an altar of the Lord with 12 stones (1Ki 18:31-32). The 12 stones signify the 12 tribes and the altar of Lord made with these 12 stones signifies that Israel, divided into north and south, would become one and build one altar to serve one God. When we unite with one accord and forgiveness, true worship can be given to God and God's will will be done.

3. A faith of the cross
The offering laid on the arranged wood signifies Jesus, who was crucified on the cross (1Ki 18:33). Also, water running down the offering signifies the cleansing power of God's word. We must be cleansed with the Blood of Jesus Christ and God's words; and when we cry out with a burning heart, God will do a work in us.

4. A faith filled with Holy Spirit
When Elijah prayed to God, the fire of the LORD fell and burned up the sacrifice and also licked up the water in the trench. The driving force behind God's miracles is the power of the Holy Spirit. Let the Holy Spirit burn in our church and in our hearts, so that our spiritual drought will be quenched.

Repentance is the way to overcome the hardships that come to us. Rebuild the altar of worship and unite with forgiveness and reconciliation, obey God's word and wholeheartedly cry out in prayer. Then fire of the Holy Spirit will come down on us, so that we can overcome hardships and experience the miracle of a great revival.