God with Us
(Isa 41:14-16)

Our good God chooses us, who have lived in sin, adopts us as His children and guides our lives. Isaiah chapter 41 is a tremendous word of blessings given to Israel, whom God chose. Although they were weak and lived with many problems, God who was with them promised to give them great blessings. Like a worm, they were weak, but God promised to make them strong like a threshing sledge by being with them. When we look at ourselves we are also little and weak, but God is with us and He will make us strong like a new threshing sledge.

1. God with us
God called and chose us among a multitude of people.(Isa 41:8) He called us and made us His servants. Since God is our Lord and Shepherd, He is in charge of our life.(Isa 41:9) He chooses us through the cross of Jesus. We should give thanks for being chosen by God's great love. In addition, God says. "Do not be afraid in any circumstance." (Isa 41:10) We must guard our hearts and be strong and bold.

2. We are like a worm
God called Israel, "O worm Jacob."(Isa 41:14) Here the worm signifies an earthworm. An earthworm is the weakest among worms. When we confess that we are as weak as an earthworm, God works for us. We should live a humble, Jesus-centered life and not a self-centered life. Therefore, like an earthworm, we must get rid of "our voice" and live only for the glory of God.

3. God will make us into a new threshing sledge
God renews us when we walk with God as His chosen servants and obey Him humbly. He makes us, who are as weak as an earthworm, into strong workers of God like a new threshing sledge. Since the threshing sledge has sharp saw teeth, it grounds all crops. Now problems are no longer problems, but they are the food that we eat and digest.

God did not only love and choose us, who are like an earthworm, but He changes us into new creations as strong as a new threshing sledge. I pray that all of you become victors in Jesus.