A Church where the Lord Dwells
(2Ch 6:2-3, 18-21)

Solomon was the first person who was blessedly called to build the temple of God. He constructed the temple with every effort and strength for seven years. God blessed Solomon, because He was pleased with his devotion to building the temple. Today, America is blessed as the world's strongest country, because the Puritans, who reached Plymouth in Massachusetts in 1620, first built a church and worshipped God. Our church should be like the temple of Solomon, so that our descendants can receive God's blessings abundantly through it.

1. God’s Dwelling Place (the Church)
The temple is a place where God dwells forever.(2Ch 6:2) It is a place where God's blessing is overflowing and His glory is revealed. The church is a place which is filled with the grace of the Cross of Jesus and where we can experience the grace of redemption and confess it every day. When God dwells there, experiences are overflowing every day. In order for that to happen, only the glory of the Lord must be revealed. When the Lord is glorified, blessings will be in our lives forever.

2. A Church Offering True Worship
God always wants to be worshipped by His people, so that He can grant them blessing and grace. The Sabbath Day is the first day after humankind was made on the sixth day of creation. The day when God was worshipped was the first day for human beings. Our life is truly joy-filled when it is focused on worshipping God. The power of worship is revealed by the Word of God proclaimed and the prayer offered to Him.(2Ch 6:19-20) We should worship God and pray in spirit and in truth.

3. A Church Overflowing with Forgiveness of Sins and True Healing
Sicknesses that cannot be healed by anything in this world are heartbreaking. They are able to be healed only under the Cross. In particular, sins in the human heart can be forgiven by the blood of the Cross alone. Those who confess their sins overflow with forgiveness, healing, and peace. The church of the Lord should be the place where this grace overflows. The church of the Lord should always overflow with healing like a river; so that spiritual, mental, and physical healing can be revealed.

The same God who dwelled in the temple in the Old Testament days also dwells in the church today. I pray that the holy Sabbath day is always kept, the Word of the truth is proclaimed, and true worship is offered through sincere prayer in all the churches on this earth.