癤풲he Foundations of Thanksgiving
(Rev 12:10-11)

Christians should always live a life of thanksgiving. For they have been saved from sin and have become God's children; they are protected by His immeasurable power every day; and they can triumph over this world with the blood of Jesus Christ and the Word. So what is the foundation for which we have to give thanks?

1. The salvation and the power and the kingdom of God
We should give thanks that we have received the salvation and power of God, and that we have become the people of His kingdom. God predestined to save us before the creation of the world. Moreover, He guards, protects and takes care of us with His infinite power. Furthermore, He accepted us as the people of heaven and gives us heaven in our hearts every day, so that we can finally go to heaven. How can we express our gratitude for all the things he has done for us?

2. The precious blood of Jesus Christ
We should give thanks that we have been forgiven by the blood of Jesus Christ, have become God's children and are now free from sin. The blood of Jesus Christ has the power to defeat the devil. The blood of Jesus Christ has the power to heal. Therefore, when we rely on the power of His blood and give praise and thanks, the power of darkness will go away; and furthermore we will enjoy good health and all will go well with us, even as our souls are getting along well.

3. The word of the testimony
We should give thanks that God has given us His Word as a weapon to defeat evil spirits in spiritual warfare. The word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword.(Heb 4:12) God created the world only with the spoken Word. The Word of God has the power of creating something out of nothing. The Word of God alone never changes for ever and ever. Pray ??holding on to the Word. Listen to the Word. Resist the devil. Testify the Word. Give thanks with the Word. Then demons will flee away, diseases will go away, and the kingdom of God will be extended.

I pray in the name of the Lord that you give thanks for the salvation and the power and the kingdom of God, and give thanks holding on to the precious blood of Jesus Christ and the word of the testimony, so that God's abundant grace will be overflowing in you.