God is My Shepherd
(Ps 23:1-3)

The attacks on Yeonpyeon Island have shocked the whole world, and many people are feeling insecure because of this. We must wholeheartedly trust our God in this time of crisis. God, our Shepherd will protect and shelter us; so trust in, rely on and look only upon the Lord. Psalms chapter 23 shows David reflecting on his life and confessing that he will live a blessed and joyful life with the Lord.

1. A life of satisfaction

David confesses that "The LORD is my Shepherd, I shall not be in want. (Ps 23:1)" If Jesus becomes our Shepherd, then our life will be without insufficiencies; and if Jesus is with us, then we will have everlasting and true satisfaction in life. Believe, trust and follow Jesus Who knows all your weaknesses and needs. Give thanks for the grace of Jesus Who became your Savior and Shepherd, and entrust everything to the Lord.

2. A life of abundance

If we entrust everything to the Lord our Shepherd, then He will lead us into an abundant life. (Ps 23:2) He always leads us to the green pastures of God's words to enrich our souls, and this word is the food to our soul that will help us overcome this world. Through the Word, He revives us and gives us hope and courage. “Quiet waters” is the shadow of the cross, and it is a place where Jesus shed His blood and the rivers of healing and eternal life flows. In that place, we can have true rest and peace. Therefore, go forth to the pastures of God's word and to the cross of Jesus Christ.

3. A life of restoration

Every time our life becomes despaired, the Lord restores and revives our soul (Ps 23:3). No trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword can separate us from the love of Christ (Ro 8:35). The Lord our Shepherd not only restores our soul, but leads us into the paths of righteousness, life and blessing, so that we can live a life that glorifies God.

I hope that your lives will also be like David’s, where the Lord becomes your Shepherd; and that you’ll live a life full of satisfaction, abundance and restoration.