Our Attitude When We Anticipate Jesus
(Lk 3:3-6)

 The month before Christmas Day, on which Jesus came to this world to save humankind, is called the Advent. This period is a time to anticipate, by giving thanks for the coming of the Lord.
John the Baptist cried out, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near”; and became, “A voice of one calling in the desert”, that prepared the way of the Lord. Then how should our attitude be to anticipate Jesus during this Christmas season?

1. A faith that experiences the cross
To anticipate Jesus, we must first fill the valleys of our sinful life, which are in darkness. We must fill the valleys of despair, neglect, heartache, resentment, envy, jealousy, hatred, sadness, concern, inferiority and loneliness, with the love of the Cross.

2. A humble faith
To anticipate Jesus, we must get rid of the mountains of arrogance. At that time the Pharisees were very arrogant. They boasted about themselves; they were disrespectful, and often judged others. But God, ‘God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.’ (Jas 4:6)

3. A positive faith
To anticipate Jesus, we must straighten out our crooked conduct. At that time, tax collectors, who exploited the Israelites, had a crooked heart. They were filled with lies and hypocrisy, and they slighted and brutally trampled on the poor. This crooked heart of ours must be set straight, by loving our neighbors and acting with integrity and truthfulness.

4. A sanctified life
To anticipate Jesus, we must make the rough roads smooth. We can meet Jesus when we throw out our sinful habits of lying, causing disharmony, slandering others, angering over small things, rebelling, complaining and fretting.

Fill your valleys of brokenness with the love of the Cross. Flatten your mountains of pride. Straighten out your hearts, which have become crooked by negativity; with integrity and truthfulness. Make your rough roads, which are stained with sinful habits, smooth. When we anticipate Jesus like this, then God’s salvation will come. During this Christmas Season, I hope that you will fill your hearts with the heart of Jesus.