God Takes Care of Us
(Ps 23:4)

King David was one of the most respected people in the history of Israel. However, life was not always going well for him. At times he had to walk through a rough and hard life, similar to the valley of the shadow of death. It is the same with us. We sometimes also come across a rough road, like the valley of the shadow of death.

1. Our valley of death
Palestine is surrounded by steep valleys and ravines. If a sheep takes a wrong step and slips, it will fall in these dreadful valleys, and will have to fight for the fear of death. There will be times in our lives when we will face the hardships of the mental valley of death such as strife, despair, hatred, disbelief, and resentment; the physical valley of death such as diseases, and the financial valley of death.

2. A faith that overcomes fear
When we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we’re filled with fear. The solution to overcome this fear is to depend on the Lord, Who accompanies us. What do you currently fear? When the fear of sin, disease, poverty, the devil and death comes to us; the Lord will be there with us. The God, Who told the fearful Joshua that He would be with him before the occupation of Canaan; and the God, Who was with Paul and Silas in the prison of despair, is with us now.

3. A faith that trusts in the Lord
A shepherd leads his sheep on the right path with a staff, and protects them from danger with a rod. When we live our life depending only on the Lord, He leads us with the staff of His Word and protects us with the rod of the Holy Spirit.

Are you now going through a ravine of despair like the valley of death? Even so, do not be afraid. Even now, the Lord, our Shepherd, will accompany us and will take care of us with the staff of the Word and the rod of the Holy Spirit. In the name of Jesus, I hope that you will rely only on the Lord and live a victorious life.