癤풤od Is Good
(Ps 23:5)

The God, whom we trust and serve, is a good God. Psalm 23 is a poem in which David introduced a good God, whom he experienced while living a life full of ups and downs ??stained with suffering and sadness. Our God becomes our Shepherd, and we will not be in want. He will prepare a table before us in the presence of our enemies and he will make the cups of our lives overflow.

1. God protects us
Our God is so good He protects us from the attack of our enemies. To sheep, poisonous grass and fierce animals are their enemies. Sheep have no ability to keep themselves from their enemies, but since their shepherd is always with them and guarding them, they are safe. At times we are attacked by enemies and have trouble. However Jesus our Shepherd guards us.

2. God provides His blessings for us.
Our God is so good that He prepares a table before us in the presence of our enemies, and prepares a blessing for us. Therefore, even when we are surrounded by the enemies of sorrow and affliction, God has prepared a table of blessing for us. I pray that you are victorious, expecting a table of the Lord's blessing.

3. God fills us with the Holy Spirit
Our God is so good that He fills us with the Holy Spirit to defeat our enemies. The shepherd puts oil on his sheep to prevent vermin and contagious disease from plaguing them, and to cure them. This oil signifies the anointing of the Holy Spirit. The way we overcome the attack of the enemy, the devil, is to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

4. God gives us His overflowing grace
Our God is so good that He gives us grace for the cup of our lives to overflow. At the end of his life, David in retrospect confessed, "My cup overflows." The Lord is so good that He gives us peace, joy, happiness, and satisfaction in abundance.

God protected David from the attack of his enemies, prepared a table for him before them, filled him with the Holy Spirit to defeat them, and gave him overflowing grace; and may this same God be with us today in Jesus' name.