God Is Forever with Us
(Ps 23:6)

A year passes by so quickly; if there is a beginning, there is always an end. Just like this, in our lives there will be an end. We will all eventually leave this world and will return to dust. But to a child of God, death does not mean an end but a beginning. It is the gateway to heaven and the start of an eternal life. Although death may separate us from this world, we will not be afraid because we have hope, and instead we will be comforted. What kind of God is the God that appears in Psalms chapter 23 verse 6?

1. God is forever with us
Our God is a God that will always be with us. A shepherd is always by his sheep's side, protecting and guiding them. David, who lived the life of a shepherd, praised God after he realized that God would always accompany him, just like a shepherd who’s always by his sheep, loving and taking care of them. Just like God had accompanied David throughout his lifetime, God will also accompany us throughout our lifetime.

2. God shows His goodness and mercy
Our God is a God that shows us His goodness and mercy. David's life was not always a peaceful life. For years he was chased by his enemies and had to live a life of suffering and sadness. But even during those times, David experienced the everlasting love of God and the God, Who works for good. There will be times in our lives where we will have trials; but we will be more than conquerors, because the goodness and mercy of God will fill us.

3. God provides heaven for us
Our God is a God that provides heaven for us. When the cold snowy winter comes, sheep return to their master's fold from the green pastures to spend a warm winter there. Our life in this world is like a stranger's path of life. When the Lord calls us, we will leave this tear-, worry- and suffering-filled world to go and dwell in our Father's house forever. While you live the life of a stranger and a wanderer in this world, embrace the hope of heaven and let Jesus Christ be your Ultimate Goal in life.

I bless you in the Name of Jesus that your stranger's life in this world may be a victorious one accompanied by God, Who shows us goodness and mercy; and hoping in God, Who provides an eternal heaven for us.