(Isa 60:1-3)

The existence of humankind is filled with despair. Humans, who have been corrupted because of sin, are born and live in despair. When Israel was judged because of sin and was in a despairing situation of being destroyed by Babylon, God told Isaiah that they would be destroyed and taken as captives; but that later they would return to Jerusalem and shine over all nations.
This is the proclamation of God's glory that will be upon Israel and the message of hope given to them.

1. Arise (v. 1a)
God commands the Israelites to arise from despair. They were in despair, because they committed sin before God. Therefore, to rise from our despair we must also repent in tears. When we come to God and confess our sins, He cleanses us from our sins.(Isa 1:18) Today the Lord tells us to arise from despair, poverty, disease and failure. Come to the Lord, confess your sins, hold on to the cross and arise with faith.

2. Shine (v. 1b)
We should arise with faith and shine. We can not shine by ourselves. In order to shine, the Lord, the Light, has to come into our lives. When the light of Jesus shines into us, the grace of the threefold blessings comes into our lives. Moreover, we become the light of the Lord and a lamp that shines in the world.(Mt 5:16) We should be the light of the Lord that brings hope instead of despair, forgiveness instead of hatred, health instead of disease, and joy instead of sorrow.

3. Show God's glory (v. 1c)
The glory of God has come upon us. By the grace of the redemption of Jesus on the cross, we have received freedom from sin and enjoy the glory and blessings of God. Now we should live a life of showing the glory of God that has come upon us. We must bring the whole earth back to the Lord through the glory of God that is shining through us.

Today God tells us to arise from despair, and shine. I hope that you preach the light of Jesus Christ to all the world and live a blessed life where the glory of God overflows in your life.