A Person, Who Is Accompanied by God
(Jdg 7:15-18)

The war between Gideon and the Midianites is one of the most inspirational wars that was written in the Old Testament. This war brought a miraculous victory, where the 300 warriors of Gideon defeated 135,000 enemy soldiers. The secret to Israel's triumph over the Midianites was that God was with them. This can also be applied to Christians who are in spiritual warfare. When God is with us, we can live a victorious life. So who then is a person who is accompanied by God?

1. A prepared person
God is with a person who is prepared. When God chose the warriors, He took them near the water, chose 300 of them, who lapped the water with their tongues and sent the other 9,700 unprepared warriors back to their tents. God accompanied them and granted them a great triumph. When we are also prepared, God is with us and then we can live a victorious life. Therefore, always be alert with prayer and the Word, be filled with the Holy Spirit, and be ready.

2. An obedient person
God is with an obedient person. When a war begins, it is most important to submit to the commander. God commanded them to go to war with only a trumpet, empty jars and torches; and no swords and spears. It was a really difficult order to obey from a human's point of view. However, when Gideon and his warriors were swift to obey the command that was not understandable, God was with them and fought for them. Therefore, come to God with absolute obedience in any circumstance.

3. A person of faith, who creates miracles
God is with a person of faith. When we march on with absolute faith in God, He will be with us and will create miracles in our lives. Break the jar of unbelief and arrogance, and go forth with faith. God will fight for you and bring you a marvelous victory. Moreover, advance with the torch of the Holy Spirit held high, then God will be with you and change the impossible to possible. Always live as a person of faith who creates a miracle.

God tells us to be a prepared person with prayer, the Word and the fullness of the Holy Spirit. He also tells us to become a person of obedience who absolutely submits to His commands, and He tells us to become a person of faith who creates a miracle. I hope that all of you will become a prepared person, an obedient person and a person of faith; and always live a victorious life.